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400 DayZ

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About 400 DayZ

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    On the Coast
  1. I was sitting in a small shed waiting for lag to pass, when this fully geared guy ran into the same shed, I raised my axe and he ran out screaming 'I didnt know you where there man, I'm sorry! you scared me man'.. I spoke to him and said 'yea you just scared me too, its all good I'm friendly.' I even raised my hand in case he couldn't hear me. I lowered my weapon..he raised his and shot me.. worst thing was he called me a fking bandit. I ain't no scum bag bandit, but he certainly was. I guess from now on It's kill on sight for me. If I had killed him first then my weeks old survivor would still be alive, but alas no... Trust killed him..
  2. 400 DayZ

    Campfire questions x2

    A couple of questions I was wondering about. 1- Does sitting too close to a campfire damage your clothing? 2- I set up a campfire in a shed at night with both doors closed, warmed up then wondered just how much light was visible from outside. I went outside, shut the door behind me and got the shock of my life! I had been sitting in the shed thinking being indoors would shield most of the light but the light was glowing off everything like there where no walls at all. The whole surrounding area was lit up lol. Is this currently normal? (obviously something dev's need to fix in the future if it is)
  3. 400 DayZ

    A new mechanic to DayZ; Herds.

    I was watching 2 groups go at it in a town today (I watched them killing each other from a safe distance with my trusty binoculars)and I had an interesting thought; Imagine being concerned about scavenging, going from store to storeand you're about to leave the store. You walk past a window towards the door and something catches your attention in the street.. you take a careful look through the window ..and see a 'herd' of zombies ambling up the street! At your guess there was at least 20 of them..you hide in the store..frozen.. Or fighting in groups etc when you hear your mate say 'crap! herd!! lookout! as you all run for your very survival.. This I believe would add a new, simple, terrifying but effective mechanic to the game, as it isn't just a threat to the soloist, but groups and bandits as well. No one would be safe if they are caught. A random spawn in 1 or 2 towns each restart, they would amble along until stopped by organised firepower, or reset. And..it obviously fits in with the zombie apocalypse theme as well :) Whada you guys think?
  4. 400 DayZ

    Less Military. More Apocalyptic. (Clothing)

    Yea I like the idea of more custom clothing styles etc. Currently its military or you're going to be at a disadvantage. I have friends who play and when they are finding each other after being separated they often say 'take your helmet off so I know it's you approaching'.. That in itself indicates there is not enough variety of clothing or armor that offers the same /suitable protection yet varies in customized ability.