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About Apex0110

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Apex0110

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Eno, I had a similar issue figured it out ( at first thinking a glitched server, I popped into others and had the same issue) - you can no longer drag the item 'box' to your inventory - you have to drag the actual picture of the item across. the box is now only for opening the item, you will see the + sign, so if it's a red shirt click and drag the actual picture of the shirt across..
  2. Apex0110

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Slope lol, as well as other many spelling mistakes, momentum was supposed to in there somewhere too, damn beer...
  3. Apex0110

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Having purchased DayZ a few weeks ago I have been reading this tread like my daily newspaper, the stories are stimulating and similiar to my own experiences to date on this fantastic game. It takes time to do and I'm sure allot of people appreciate the written word you guys put in, I love it ! Being so new I have learnt loads of you guys and this shapes my own approach to the game. I have never played any of the Arma stuff, just this.. I have so many stories I could tell already and I frequently find myself indulging in the memories of interactions I have had with others which have lead t my demise and what. Can learn from it. In my short time the most memorable experience was trying to meet up with my brother (who I had discussed the game with over Xmas and bought it for him) I came across the lorry. Now i had seen these twice before. The first time I didn't know what I was doing, I thought it was a wreck t loot but found myself getting in the cab, and then unwittingly starting the engine.. It was so bleeding loud it scared the crap out of me! It took me forever to figure out my scroll button activated the function menu and I managed to turn it of and ran away in fear of being heard. The second one I found I thought right let's do this and have a drive. I had more experience by this point, so jumped in and started her up, freakin load as before and slowly started t move her out of the space she was in, the steering was so heavy and the power felt terrible but I didn't now how to check the health of her, so took her o to the road and down hill where she started to wake up a bit. Took me a few corners to figure out the steering and keep the omen rum up as much as possible. Came across the next village and took a right which I had to slow for, it was up hill and with no momentum I was just crawling... I pulled her in to a side dirt track next to a church. I get out cussing the performance and I'm in 3rd person mode, I see over the wall 2 fully kitted guys probably wondering wtf? I immediately open comma and say 'hey I'm friendly, you guys can have this truck if you want it' they nothing... Oh lord, I have only an axe and unloaded weapons... I try again over comms but they start to move toward the truck. I panicked and jumped back in, fiddling with the keys I got her started again but the dirt track went sraight onto a slop- I drove forward and up the slop, the girl couldn't cope and struggles at slower than walking pace to jiggle its way up the slop. I circle round the are coming at me with guns raised, I steer down hill as straight away to get some movement- shots being fired, Im okay as I pick up speed downhill through a feild and into some woods. My Colin McRae skills lasted longer the I thought as I whipped though the trees and undergrowth only to crash her up into a tree. I jumped out and ran for me Iife. I survived another dayz. 3rd go, found another old girl, I assumed the previous find was damaged and down on power so jumped in got it on the road and headed I to the village I was near. The road takes me to a hill and truck grinds to a crawl, I'm practically jumping up and down in my seat to get traction and distracted by its lack of power and suddenly my driver door opens, I look left to see a guys aiming his gun and I shouted 'you can have it! It's yours take it' BANG - You are Dead. But one of many I could tell, I hope to meet with some nice guys soon enough, I hope to meet with you, until then, stay safe out there in DayZ 'everyone hears you opening the pepi' Kind regards Apex