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Everything posted by Milansson1

  1. Milansson1

    VSS is as loud as an unsuppresed weapon

    It acts like a suppressed AKM around zombies but can be heard around 900 meters away easily with my sound settings.
  2. Milansson1

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154395-can-i-run-dayz-retail-post-here/ You will get answers there much faster ;)
  3. Milansson1

    M4 Spawning in 0.59?

    I have looted 1000s of helis and not found a single m4 or ak101, so I dont think they spawn at all.
  4. Milansson1

    tripwire + grenade ?

    WOBO said that you need to unpin the granade then attach it, but it will blow up 5 seconds after someone activated it and it only works with russian granades which means the RDG-5. I havent tested it myself tho.
  5. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    i'll happily take some 308 for it.
  6. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    Just did a good smooth trade with Red_Ensign, got some extra ammo thrown in aswell :)
  7. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    What do you have?
  8. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    Got a pristine smersh, Red_Ensign has first dibs tho but if he doesnt want it its up for trade! Just found a P black m65 jacket aswell.
  9. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    Im gonna PVP with my m4 as soon as I get one :P
  10. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    Looking for a m4, ill offer almost ANY item in the game for it!
  11. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    I'll trade my P smersh with backpack for a ump and 2 mags for it!
  12. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    i'll give whatever for a M4. I need it in my life :'(
  13. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    Looking for a m4 and a winchester with ammo, send me an offer and ill see if I have it!
  14. Milansson1

    oh my god help me with this sedan please

    Dayz, thats the answer to everything ;)
  15. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    Rip, if outbid the trade then?
  16. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    Got a aug i will trade for that winchester, its pristine
  17. Milansson1


    Yes a wipe will come with 0.59, so use all the gear you have!
  18. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    Im the classy bandit, I steal peoples blood and give it to other people, if they survive they do, if not they end up dying :D But if someone raises a gun at me, they are dead....
  19. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    Thats what I always does xD There is no other reason to play the game atm when people just shoot you as soon as they can.
  20. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    I dieded.
  21. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    3 worn hunting backpacks. Looking for suppressors of all kinds and pso scopes :P Trade completed with Mortimer French, easy and fast as always!
  22. Milansson1

    Trading Post

    Got 3 Worn hunting backpacks Looking for ghillie, nato\east\pistol suppressors and other fun stuff. Also got like 6 damaged glow plugs if someone is interested :P
  23. Send me your steamnames and ill make sure to add you both!
  24. YES!! I was the black guy picking apples! xD