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Everything posted by radar1029

  1. So I made some changes to the types.xml to decrease or remove some items from spawning, and add locations for other items, I.E. pistols, ammo, etc. to spawn at the police station, remove dresses from spawning...Anyhow, after making these changes zombies do not spawn on my map at all. Was there another file I should have edited to make those changes?
  2. radar1029

    Best GSP for transatlantic players

    I've been hosting a couple different servers out of New York to support my buddy in London and me in Texas. We get crazy different pings at times, but I average about 100 or so where he gets to 100 but spikes over 300 and gets booted from the game. Does anybody else have a lot of cross/Atlantic players on a server? Which GSP are you using? So far I've tried Vilayer, Havoc, and Gameservers.
  3. radar1029

    Experimental Update 1.0.150000

    Is it too hopeful for a content update before the holiday break? Trucks, more guns...anything?
  4. radar1029

    Custom spawn points in 1.0

    No matter how many changes i make to the cfgplayerspawnpoints.XML file, it still defaults back to the full list of spawn points. is anyone else experiencing this? I've tried custom spawn points and just reducing spawn points to 1 to 10 or so and none of it seems to work. Tried on multiple GSP's with private servers.
  5. radar1029

    Custom spawn points in 1.0

    That worked. Thanks guys.
  6. radar1029

    Bambi spawn load out help

    I'm trying to get new spawns to load out with the following items, and need some help with the code...Can't get the gun or backpack to spawn. TTSKO pants/Jacket Improvised bag combat boots FNX45 w/ magazine In the inventory i Want rags, water bottle, combat knife, ammo box and a suppressor and random piece of fruit... I'm also waiting for my GSP to give me access back to my init.c file so I can test. player.RemoveAllItems(); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TTSKOPants"); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TTsKOJacket_Camo"); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ImprovisedBag"); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("CombatBoots_Black"); EntityAI gun = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("FNX45"); EntityAI magazine = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Mag_FNX45_15Rnd"); */ EntityAI itemTop; EntityAI itemEnt; ItemBase itemBs; float rand; itemTop = player.FindAttachmentBySlotName("Body"); if ( itemTop ) { itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Rag"); if ( Class.CastTo(itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity(4); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("CombatKnife"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Matchbox"); if ( Class.CastTo(itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity(10); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("WaterBottle"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("PistolSuppressor"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AmmoBox_45ACP_25Rnd"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); } rand = Math.RandomFloatInclusive(0.0, 1.0); if ( rand < 0.35 ) itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Apple"); else if ( rand > 0.65 ) itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Pear"); else itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Plum"); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt);
  7. radar1029

    Best GSP for community server

    What is the best GSP in terms of user control for a community hive server? I want to be able to edit config for daytime only, weather control, etc.
  8. Ordered a new DayZ server today from Havoc and after the 1.0 update my server is now a private shard. Anyone else have this happen? They've reinstalled the server and still shows private.
  9. radar1029

    Gameservers - only daytime

    Anyone know how to setup my server at Gameservers.com to be daytime only? I can't configure the battleye scheduler so I don't know if there's any other way to make this work.
  10. radar1029

    Gameservers - only daytime

    Gameservers.com doesn't allow access to the actual config files.
  11. radar1029

    Persistency is screwing everything up for everyone.

    New server owner with Gameservers.com. Any idea how I go about backing up my files? The options with this provider seem very minimal.
  12. radar1029

    Cooking meat on a stick

    Is this feature currently broken? Also, can't light fires in the fireplaces inside houses.
  13. radar1029

    Which Vehicles are in BETA now?

    About 10 hours of play time on beta and still have yet to see a vehicle.
  14. radar1029

    Server stealing loot

    I joined a server today and come in completely naked (underwear only) and no items at all. Public/Community server. Now every server I log on to I am completely empty. I'm suspecting I logged into a modded game that steals everything, but it's public so I now have nothing on all public servers. Am I thinking too much into it and it just glitched? And yes, I should keep better track of the servers I join, my bad.
  15. radar1029

    Server stealing loot

    I don't know how else to post pictures. I think it was either Multiplay Vanilla DayZ or Z Nation. All of these were .63 played last night or today. https://twitter.com/radarL0ve/status/1061663520796958720?s=20
  16. radar1029

    Server stealing loot

    So all my gear just glitched away? And this is "beta"?
  17. radar1029

    Brrr, it's cold out there

    Anyone else being frozen out on EVERY server? Are the devs testing out weather mechanics on the public servers?
  18. radar1029

    Brrr, it's cold out there

    so for the next 4 months we deal with cold freezing temps in a FUCKING game? I'm all for realism but for fucks sake, this is ridiculous.
  19. Just curious, does anyone have an actual running vehicle in DayZ anymore. We've played countless hours and haven't come across a serviceable vehicle at all.
  20. radar1029

    Do vehicles even exist in game anymore?

    I don't know that I'm necessarily looking for "action", but some of my favorite moments are the interaction between strangers. That has been virtually non-existent for a while now.
  21. radar1029

    Do vehicles even exist in game anymore?

    We've tried playing on high pop servers as well and don't run into anyone. Not sure what player count is actually on a "high pop" server. One random firefight at the NW airstrip but nothing more in 40+ hours of recent play.
  22. radar1029

    Do vehicles even exist in game anymore?

    How do you go about destroying it? Just light a match?
  23. radar1029

    Is there any hope left? Please tell there is!

    Funny to come across this topic...I haven't been on the forums in months, and only briefly played the game last week for the first time in months. I came here to ask the same question. Not because I'm a hater, or don't know what early alpha means, but just because I want to know if there's any hope, or I just move on. I understand the undertaking the devs are taking on, but there's no reason they can't communicate a little more, and a little better with the community. I feel as though I've got my moneys worth out of the game, and if it never completes I'll be bummed but I'll get over it. I just wish there was some insight as to when we might know.
  24. radar1029

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    This started happening to me after my upgrade to Win10. I've narrowed it down to issues with the Nvidia drivers for my GTX970. I lose video, and my video recording crashes and will not recover without a reboot. I have not reproduced the problem in any other graphic intensive games.
  25. radar1029

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Depends on what you're coming from I guess. I built my own machine, and my 3dMark score on Firestrike is 9369 which is a little down from Win 8 (3dMark says better than 79%). I run GTA V at max settings and average better than 60 FPS. I play DayZ and can be running fine at 60+ with decent settings. As soon as I enter a city, or town, i can drop anywhere in the single digits to low teens. That should not bring a machine to it's knees, and if in battle, you stand no chance.