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Everything posted by LemonDrop

  1. I've been playing this for a while and it's the only game where I crapped myself just by seeing my shadow. I love it but I'm not so enthusiastic about the community. One of the ideas of the community and the forums is to bring people together to discuss this game and hopefully drive it forward. Unfortunately it now seems to consist of some, and the numbers are growing, who believe that their view point is the only correct one and anyone thinking differently should bugger off. A case in point is the people posting about how they don't like the changes that have been introduced with 1.7.1. I personally don't like them but as this is an alpha it is the time to try things out. Now if people don't provide feedback, positive or negative, this mod will never properly evolve and make it out of alpha. Now my problem is that there are those of you who, when you see something you disagree with, you immediately act like 5 year old school kids and tell the posters to 'grow up', 'stop crying' and 'go find somewhere else'. Such a mature and constructive bunch you lot are. Your view point is not the only one out there. Feedback is essential to this mod. It isn't your own project. So let people post up their views and if you want to come back with a constructive alternative view point or don;t post at all as 'go run back to mummy' is not helpful in the slightest. If you value this mod and its community then act properly and show others respect, if not find something else that gets rid of your anger and rage and leave others to enjoy it here. And for the rest of you out there that help others and offer constructive feedback, please keep on doing it. You're all great.
  2. LemonDrop

    1.7.1 and some of the community

    Nope. This is aimed at getting people to post useful information and discuss rather than telling people to piss off. I've only said it as quite a few people haven't managed to work out that for themselves and the useful is getting lost in the ranting and rudeness.
  3. LemonDrop

    1.7.1 and some of the community

    I've been around for far too long, oh the sounds of screeching modems. It's all down to the anonymity of the internet. Lets loonies do things they wouldn't dare to normally.