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About youssefprime

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  1. Hello DayZ developers. 2 Of my favorite items happen to be broken, the rangefinder and the MP5 iron sights... these have been broken for 2 patches now. MP5 is a favorite SMG or even favoritte gun to many, and the rangefinder is a great tool for snipers. Have these been fixed for .60 ?
  2. youssefprime

    Exp Update: 0.58 + Hot Fix.

    Any news about the next experimental coming in? Have they squashed the gun-holstering glitch? I mean, it is one, ONE bug that has delayed them over a week. Why dont they just roll it back to the previous exp and release that ? It was perfect...
  3. youssefprime

    Status Report - 29 Jul 2015

    Brian Hicks, is the AKM's recoil SOPOSED to be that high or is it a bug? Can you please tone the recoil down, at least back to normal ? (pre .57) ?
  4. youssefprime

    Status Report - 29 Jul 2015

    Well no I have checked 40+ Baracks (Server hopping, I know, but I am just testing) Each time a bracks was NON LOOTED. I have found TTsKo and gorka pants COUNTLESS times but no jacket. I truly believe they are just not spawning at all. As for NATO wrecks, only crash sites or Humvees too ?
  5. youssefprime

    Status Report - 29 Jul 2015

    Ok, fair enough. How about military clothing, only finding pants (TTsKO and Gorka) but none of the jackets, and no tactical shirts. Have you found any of these ? Also, prison island spawns nothing at all, comments ?
  6. youssefprime

    Status Report - 29 Jul 2015

    Ok, I have a question, Where did you find these items, (5.56 and .45 and AKs and SKS) and list the items YOU have found in a barrack please. -I have found only AKMs in a Russian crash site. No AK-101 or AK-74 were found at ANY baracks building. -I can never find Gorka or TTsKo jackets, only the pants. -Are you awar the AKM's recoil is WAY too high ? Put it back to how it was before.
  7. youssefprime

    Status Report - 29 Jul 2015

    Actually, I was talking about the current expermiental build. And this is not a bug, this is the loot system they made.
  8. youssefprime

    Status Report - 29 Jul 2015

    Hey, this is regarding military spawns: -I dont think ANY type of AK or even SKS or any gun is spawning at military bases (Baracks dont have any guns or anything of that sort) -You are only able to find TTsKO pants and gorka pants, but you cant find the jacket. -5.56 and .45 ammo is non existant - Why is civilian loot spawning in military bases ? Like in the baracks and tents. Please report these issues to the devs! Military bases are useless atm ! Also I am aware that you want military stuff to be rare but the spawn tables are screwed up. The items are not rare, theyre just not spawning.
  9. youssefprime

    Where are all damn AK74 mags?

    Get this, spawn tables are even more screwed in Experimental. Military baracks will often spawn only one type of item in huge quantities ( Tons of ATLAS bipods, or makarov mags) They dont even SPAWN ANY guns anymore (No more SKS, AKM, AK-101 etc) You can find TTSKO and Gorka pants but no jacket. All hangers spawn are hats Tents are in the same situation as baracks.
  10. youssefprime

    Funny Story

    Good story :)
  11. youssefprime

    Thats Not Nice

    Good video :) I love teaching douche bags a lesson.
  12. youssefprime

    Sidearms vs SMGs?

    If I am using a ghillie suit when Im sniping, space is a factor some I would like to have something small. I usualy use a makarov or CR75.... but thats just me :)
  13. youssefprime

    umm well WE didn't kill the bambi

    Good video! BTW are you canadian ? (the way you say ''house'' )lol
  14. youssefprime

    Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

    PM 73 RAK. Some say its a myth.. its not a myth because there are many people on youtube who showed them. I belive the PM 73 RAK is the rarest gun in the game by FAR.
  15. youssefprime

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Thats very interesting! Can you show me a screenshot of the pyramid?