1] Nickname: Cole 2] Region(Country):United States 3] Are you willing to be active:Yes. 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Microphone:Yes. 5] Steam name:N. Cunningham 6] How long have you been playing DayZ:192 hours logged on the standalone and plenty more where that came from on the Mod. 7] How many Clans have you been In:Regarding DayZ specifically, none. Mil-sim prior to this, 2 to 3. I say 2 to 3 because 2 were strictly mil-sim, and one was loosely ran as such. 8] Previous experience:I've had experience leading, following, observing, etc. I've played Arma 2-Arma 3-DayZ out of Bohemia Interactive's games, dealt with the frustrating bugs out of all 3, and have been remotely successful in all of them. Unsure exactly what all Experience is requested listed here. 9] How many bandits have you killed:I don't have a kill counter, nor do I want to keep track. If someone threatens me in the game, I eliminate the threat. That's all there is to it. 10] Are you willing to help other players:As long as there is no hostile action taken or implied towards me, yes. The moment I feel I'm being crossed, or played, they die. I know all the tricks, because me and my friends have employed said tricks in the past.