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About krumpirko73

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. krumpirko73

    Problem with a in game FPS

    well my computer specs are not the best but they are pretty good, i have a beast gpu and still getting bad fps, on maxed out settings i have 15-19 fps in game, and when i lower down the settings i still get bad fps in game, average about maybe 20-25.. so its really frustrating,i bought the gpu pretty much just because of DayZ, its really the only game i play right now... it makes me sad that still i can't play it properly :( so my question here is can i do something to get better fps or?
  2. krumpirko73

    Problem with a in game FPS

    So guys i recently bought MSI GTX 980 Gaming 4G Twin Frozr V and i'm still getting bad FPS in DayZ (average about 19-22 fps) on low settings, my computer specs are: GPU: MSI GTX 980 CPU: AMD FX-8120 Eight-Core Processor MotherBoard: Asus m4a89gtd pro usb3 RAM: 10GB PS: 850W SSD: CSSD-F120GB3-BK 120GB (That's where my DayZ is installed) Hardrive: Seagate 1TB HDD Can anyone help me with this?