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About BigPapaGaming

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Chicago Il.

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  • Bio
    This server came into creation when four friends decided they wanted to run a server their way. First it was a lan server but that quickly got boring, then it was a Taviana server sadly that was not where the player base was at and we quickly grew bored of Taviana for it was too big. Finally we came to rest as a Cherno server. We average a max of 15 people on weekends, hoping to make that number grow and spread across the week as well.
  1. If you are looking for a server with a great group of bandits and heroes, this maybe the server for you! Big Papa Overpoch Chicago based server hosted by Vilayer With a total of 4 AI missions going on at anytime there is much to do. Looking to become a bandit, we have hero missions for you to do so you can drop humanity faster. Looking to become a hero well we have bandit missions for you to do too. Looking to build a base? Once you find a base location 1000m from a major traders Klen, Bash, and Stary, 500m from minor traders Hero, Bandit, wholesalers, and boat dealers, let an admin know. You will then get you starter kit containing: 1 plot pole, 1 floor/ceiling 1/4, 1 large wood wall w/ locked door, 1 wood garage door locked, 2 large wood walls, 1 lock box, 1 safe, 1 sledge hammer, crowbar, toolbox, and etool. With snap build pro putting together you new base will be easy. Once you base is done you can go out and do a mission, loot, or find some vehicles. There are often server events like, car races, c130 races, and capture or kill the target. If you would like to talk to an admin or someone who plays on our server our ts is:tsks1.vilayer.com:9999. If you would like to visit out website it is: http://bigpapagaming.vilayer.me/ and if you want to track our server on gametracker here is the link https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Hope to see you real soon!