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About jedslather

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. jedslather

    The Mosin and realism

    That comment was a bit misplaced, the game is not hard, just more convoluted in some areas. you can run full speed forever, but your rifle falls apart after 200 rounds fired, funny way to make a game "harder". However that being said, it's improving and I like where it's going.
  2. jedslather

    The Mosin and realism

    Yeah I noticed that, but maybe its me doing something wrong, been a while since I've played DayZ, but thanks for trying to help out.
  3. jedslather

    The Mosin and realism

    Hmm, I swear that it only chamber one round, because if I press R+5 only one round eject?
  4. jedslather

    The Mosin and realism

    As I said, "calmly" it's not a rage post, I just noted that when the devs seek realism, like when you got to load your weapon, it lacks in the wear and tear department. Anyway, I've been off Dayz for some time and there are a lot of mechanics that are now for the better, I just wonder what changed regarding loading the Mosin? before you could drag the ammo to the rifle and then it loaded the 5 rounds, now I can only chamber one round? need something like a clip to load the rifle?
  5. jedslather

    The Mosin and realism

    So now the Mosin can fire 50 - 100 rounds before it get ruined? Let me just calmly note that these rifles can fire thousands of rounds before they even get slightly defect. I think the Devs need to look into this as something that need some attention. Anyway, love the new Zed AI, much better now as you actually can sneak around without being Xrayed by a zombie 100 feet away behind a house.
  6. jedslather

    Where is all the good stuff at?

    That's why I just don't make friends...
  7. jedslather

    bugged mosin?

    Mag is not removable ? you need to drag and load each round. (it is done automatically)
  8. jedslather

    I feel like an asshole

    douchebags are everywhere, don't be ashamed,you're now a full member of the club.
  9. jedslather

    Is there a toliet anywhere?

    People don't poop in DayZ .....yet.
  10. jedslather

    Where is all the good stuff at?

    there are plenty of loot, it is just not where it use to be.....
  11. Like it as it is, would like to have a larger map and places to go, a cabin in the woods, able to craft a camp and so on.
  12. jedslather

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    I do not play 3PP just boring. So no 3PP for me please.
  13. jedslather

    Trading Post

    looking for AK74 Mags, just tell me what you want for it, I can mostly find anything but mags :( hardcore 1st person.
  14. jedslather

    Question about draw distance

    LOL but but but I DON'T want to know her, I just want to ----> Nahh forget it I'm happily married.
  15. jedslather

    What do you want to see in .54

    My List; Sound fix, hearing sounds of doors and whatnot in the middle of the woods is like Meh? Zombie & Animal AI improvements, Add dangerous animals in the woods, nerpf the book spawn, Fix the compass bug, Add crafting of a small tent using animal skin, or something where we can setup a small camp, Fix the heli-crash site on the 1st person servers, Add motorcycles with saddlebags.