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About DuplexGamer1234

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    On the Coast
  1. DuplexGamer1234

    First 100 minutes of Gameplay

    Previous (First) Thread: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/217904-first-100-minutes-of-gameplay/ List of Difficulties Encountered during Game Play (continued): 1 ) Terrain features sometimes resemble tangible items and vice versa 2 ) Give players the option to customize the range of brightness in which the auto-dimming works between 3 ) Ratio of zombies found per acre is low 4 ) Consider changing default video settings from very high to normal Bugs experienced: 1 ) Entered "1st/3rd person view" server, but stuck in 1st person. Entered the same server a second time and was then able to toggle correctly. 2 ) Moved item from jacket A slot (vicinity) to jacket B slot (inventory) , item fell to the ground. Moved item from ground into jacket B slot correctly. Conclusion: Overall, my second experience with the game was more enjoyable than the first. The controls felt more intuitive and interactions with the environment were smoother. Number 3 from List of Difficulties was the most disappointing to me out of all listed comments. I consider it as a major flaw thus far in my analysis of the game.
  2. DuplexGamer1234

    First 100 minutes of Gameplay

    Overall Review/Comments/Thoughts/Problems encountered within the first 100 minutes of gameplay: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ) Unable to climb ladders 2 ) Sounds of wildlife (birds and bugs) are heard, but no visuals 3 ) Unable to search kitchen (refrigerator and cupboards) 4 ) Difficulty finding/selecting the optimal video setting 5 ) No prompt after death/unconsciousness to leave game 6 ) Difficulty toggling between 1st and 3rd person views ----------- ** Reguarding number 4 )** - Home custom built gaming PC well within system requirements, but oddly experiencing less then 25 fps ** Reguarding number 6 )** - Some games stuck in 1st person Conclusion: --------------------------- This game requires a good deal of patients in the beginning stages of gameplay. Watching the steam trailors and review videos can create a lot of false excitement. Overall, I think the game has untapped potential, and still needs a lot of work. I would like to continue creating threads like these in order to help not only myself learn how to play the game but also to help game developers understand the game from a consumers point of view.