Server IP: Easiest Way To Connect: Use DayZ Launcher and search for [DTG]! After years of experience hosting, we've decided to revamp our servers and add tons of new scripts and features. Our team of mature admins are nearly always accessible to help with any issues - either ingame on our dedicated Dayz server, or in our free-to-use, non-passworded Teamspeak 3 Server ( To play on an OverPoch Origins Server, you need to have Epoch (, Overwatch (0.2.5) and Origins (1.7.9) downloaded. If you use Dayz Commander, you need to use the following launch parameters: -mod=@DayzOrigins;@DayzOverwatch;@dayz_epoch **If you have trouble connecting, feel free to join our Teamspeak Server to ask an Admin for help!** Scripts Include: 24/7 DaytimeNo rain!3 hour restarts [our server refreshes every 3 hours, with warnings at 30 mins, 10 mins, 5 mins and 1 min]SINGLE CURRENCY [our server uses Coins as currency, meaning free inventory space and not having to worry about combining bars!]Safe Zones at TradersAI MissionsAnimated Heli CrashesRefuel/Repair Gas Stations [at any gas station, players can click to refuel their vehicles for free, or pay to repair/rearm them]Vehicles!!! [The server spawns ALL Epoch, Overwatch and Origins vehicles!]Deploy Bike/Mozzie [you can deploy a Bike or Mozzie using your toolbox]TOW/LIFT [Tow cars or lift them with helicopters]Custom Debug Monitor [press Insert to toggle the debug monitor, displaying player stats and FPS]Plot Pole After Death [you don't lose ownership of your plot pole if you die]Build Snap Pro [toggle Build Snapping in order to build walls/floors in a straight line or 90 degree angle]One Step Building [no more standing there for hours to build a base!]Indestructible BasesSelf Bloodbag [in the action menu, a self blood bag option is available]Suicide [in the action menu, a suicide option is available, with a confirmation feature of course]Take Clothes [you can take clothes off dead bodies]Custom Antihack []& much, much more! Server IP: Teamspeak IP: