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Everything posted by T.Irish

  1. Hey Folks! I'm the lead admin for the server "DayzTaviana Uphill Gardeners" Our teamspeak IP is "" and is open to the public. The Server can support upto 50 players and is located in Amsterdam. it is running on the map Taviana and has a total of 200 vehicles, Care Packages and Wrecks. So there is plenty for you to loot and vehicles to repair. The difficulty is Regular with Side Chat, Crosshairs, Death messages and Waypoints enabled We are a group of friends that actively admin the server. We are always open to making new friends and playing with people that want to join our teamspeak to help make their dayz experience more enjoyable. Any players on our server will be able to request for medical assitance and transport from us. Rules: No Voice in Side Channel English Only No hacking in any sort of form. Come by and check out our server!
  2. T.Irish

    About cheating

    I agree, the only hackers that have got on my nerves so far are the ones with god mode and teleport to kill you. Though its wrong, using it for a bit of good does no harm, if your not gonna stop, you might aswell do some good
  3. T.Irish


    Nope, they are still around and you can still place them.
  4. T.Irish

    Pending Update: Build

    you know if your really dont like him fuck off why dont you, rocket spends a shit ton of his time working on this mod and he doesnt need to spend the rest of his time reading every single post that you make, because posts like that^^ are just a waist of time for him to read, this thread is over 100 pages long, and you expect him to read and reply to everything when it suits you, and when he doesnt you cry like a little bitch please stfu.
  5. T.Irish

    Looking for Trade

    I don't think anyone would trade car parts for a revolver, if you have something better to offer for a trade add me on steam tmcl49
  6. T.Irish

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    a good sniper wont be in a position where you can see him, its how shit works.
  7. T.Irish

    Golden Revolver

    Its a hacked weapon, we found one off a bandit before as well. Fancy as fuck though.
  8. Takistan in all seriousness, a vast countryside like the current map would be fine, all that i would like to see is more modern Cities.
  9. Considering the maps are pre made , it would be rather hard to code in a system like this, Though i am fond of the idea, it would be a bitch to code in a way to make the terrain to code into a crater.
  10. T.Irish

    Group / Clans

    I Currently play dayz with my clan, there is only 6 of us, but when we die its a bitch to make it back to our camp, on the other hand, if we didn't have to walk all the way back to camp in no way would it be fair to any of the other dayz players solo or clanners, In this case scenario you will have people spawning on there friends in the middle of a fire fight making it unfair to the other people trying to kill them. Having to respawn away from your friends will make you think more carefully instead of doing dumb shit to get killed
  11. T.Irish

    Make own arrows

    Quite a cool idea, you could easily use another item to make the tip of the bow as well.
  12. T.Irish

    Name ideas for DayZ fansite

    Seems pointless.