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About lohofe

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    On the Coast
  1. lohofe

    Smoking Ash Gaming

    The admin of this server is obviously not over the age of 13. I've witness him/her kick half a dozen people for simply asking why the last person was kicked. I too asked on a certain occassion as it looked super fishy. He kicked me. When I came back on I let him know that you can't just kick people that you don't like, he banned me. I've since wrote the server host and asked how I can report them. I suggest everyone who has experienced this to do report them. From what I can tell, they do this a lot. I don't like giving this little kid so much power, there isn't a lot of options for Namalsk players and I think they take advantage of that. Don't let this teeny bopper win. I'll report back when I hear from the server support.