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Everything posted by EvolutionXXi

  1. EvolutionXXi

    DayZ is peaceful

    Hi guys just looking for general help first 3games have been kinda annoying, 1death bled out to a zombie 2nd death starved to death before picking up a rifle getting booted and not having it, 3rd death after about 1 and a half hour running around to map I finally got into main town from running around the outside of the map, soon as i in town no loot and then get shot in back by some dude, its ok he can have my pickake and wellies anyways if anyone is looking for someone to play with im all down better than running around on your own. Steam username is evolutionxxi
  2. EvolutionXXi

    DayZ not starting

    Downloaded loaded fine first time but resolution was messed wouldnt let me change at all from 640/300 something resolution closed it tried to log back on nothing now just keeps opening but administrator keeps popping up and screen goes blurry and then says DayZ failed to load. I have the steam version any tips or ideas on how to help me?