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Everything posted by sumusiko

  1. I posted this the other day but still didnt find a fix. This has been happening for the past 2 months and I can't play because of it.. The only way to play is: Update DayZ to experimental. Downgrade back to stable. Play. But if I leave the game and join again it says "Battleeye Client Not Responding" all over again which is why I can't play the game because updating and downgrading takes 40-1h to do... I've tried literally everything.. Manually download battleye and replace. Use my friends battleeye. Reinstall DayZ. Delete local folder.
  2. sumusiko

    Battleye Client Not Responding.

    shitty unknown one. @AzrailCross I don't even have antivirus and firewall is allowing dayz.
  3. sumusiko

    Battleye Client Not Responding.

    didn't work , be.dll has allow on everything. Same thing for the other steps.
  4. This has been happening for the past 2 months and I can't play because of it.. The only way to play is: Update DayZ to experimental. Downgrade back to stable. Play. But if I leave the game and join again it says "Battleeye Client Not Responding" all over again which is why I can't play the game because updating and downgrading takes 40-1h to do... I've tried literally everything.. Manually download battleye and replace. Use my friends battleeye. Reinstall DayZ. Delete local folder.
  5. sumusiko

    Battleye Client Not Responding.

    Error,Sorry we couldn't find that
  6. Seriously all I see in this forum is people spaming every single fucking thread with the words: "It's Alpha" God I've never seen something so annoying in my entire life on the internet... I mean omg, People post a thread saying "Dayz is such a nice game" and people spam the shit out of the thread saying "ITS AN ALPHA DUDE OMG GO FINGER YOURSELF" Christ you guys need to think for yourselves instead of being a group of sheeps being commanded by and following other people.
  7. average online players so faR?
  8. whats the average players ammount on your server?
  9. sumusiko

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    do you guys play epoch? and if so whats the player count on the server you guys play on? if its high pop server ill join u guys
  10. Wanna test Epoch and I'm mostly looking for group that plays on high population servers and is willing to take me in. Skype: Sumusiko 200 hours on Dayz SA Played Arma 2 mod for a while before. I'm 18 , portuguese and can speak english fluently.
  11. I was looking for a epoch clan since I play DayZ SA but I prefer dayz mmod but haven't played in years, however I'm looking for action so I'm mostly looking for a epoch clan that plays on high pop server. How many ppl does your clan server have usually?
  12. sumusiko

    apologists are delaying development.

    The posts from this man hurts my eyes.. Please leave I beg you
  13. Always wondered it , seen some hilarious shit lately in elektro xD
  14. sumusiko

    Why I'm a Bandit..

    Because I don't give a shit about you and I enjoy killing and knowing you gotta start from 0. umad? I don't shoot bambis though.
  15. sumusiko

    apologists are delaying development.

    That's the point though.. Rust is updated 2-3x faster than dayZ which causes fps breaks but that's because they add content on a regular basis and they fix the fps issues in a few days maximum while in DayZ we have the same bugs for 2-3 months already with no fix :l. (they do add a lot of stuff to the game if you check patch notes). I'm not saying Rust is a better game than DayZ because both of them are very different, I'm just pointing out that DayZ COULD update as fast as Rust if they wanted to,
  16. sumusiko

    apologists are delaying development.

    I'm @ 500 hours on rust and 200´+ hours on DayZ , you probably played rust last month when the new animations and zombies were removed and they added new animals too , 1-2 weeks before that they also added new beds , a revolver and changed the costs of items + they already allow the community to mod the game which helps it to improve even faster. Oh and they also added animations to the characters itself and forgot to mention they added the bolt action rifle too during that time. All this in less than a month
  17. sumusiko

    apologists are delaying development.

    Knowing what engine they were built on proves nothing regarding knowledge on game development I can easily find all that info in 2 minutes by using google.
  18. sumusiko

    apologists are delaying development.

    Rust. Regular week updates maximum a update every 2 weeks. And its not little updates, its major updates that are completely game changing. Adding new items , adding / changing animals , deleting / changing zombies , new weapons , new gameplay styles, new animations all come on a regular basis. They sold just as much as DayZ as sold yet they are pushing updates 2 or 3 x faster than DayZ with little to no game breaking bugs.
  19. sumusiko

    apologists are delaying development.

    I think you didn't read the post at all..