NIGHT STALKER UK OVERPOCH ORIGINS TAVIANA Hello And Welcome To Night Stalker Uk. Our current features are as follows. Snap Build ProBlood Regain Over time Deploy Vehicle ParaspawnSelf Blood BagPlot ProtectionTow LiftView DistanceTrader Safe ZonesNon-Ai Missions( ikea and other loot)Heli CrashesWAISingle Currency & BanksLoyalty Reward SystemMilitary VehiclesBandit/Hero Missions Advanced TradingSuicideAdmin EventsBuild On RoadsElevators ALL Fresh players will recieve a free gift upon signing up to our website to get you started. Server Restart Every 6 Hours 12am-6am GMT ( will be changed to 4 hours restarts on monday 18/05/15) Have the mods epoch, overwatch 0.25 and Origins 1.7.9 Parameters are -mod=@DayzOverwatch;@DayzOrigins;@DayZ_Epoch; We have a teamspeak server which is- Friendly admins Lively People and here to have fun. see you on the battleground. We now have a brand NEW website Register on our website to receive your FREE gift. Server ip- try 2303 if using dayzcommander Also looking for some in game admins to help run the server while i script (need to have experience in being admin)