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About Ratkoon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ok, so I just upgraded my computer so I could actually play this game. I get on and I notice a very annoying... happening. The faster I move my mouse, the slower I look around. It's like a reverse mouse acceleration. I have no 3rd party programs installed, just windows 7 default mouse drivers. The mouse I am using is a Cooler Master Storm Xornet. It is making the game un playable and my reactions to situations are no longer quick, and has gotton me killed more then I would like to share in the past 24 hours.
  2. I was in cherno on a low population server. I had just looted a revolver on a fresh spawn. I see 3 guys in the church so I sneak in. They see me and say hey! I lower my guard walk up to them realize all three of them are totally decked out. They asked if I wanted to join their clan I said I would give it a shot. After about an hour or two on team speak with them I tell them I need to AFK for a minute. So they all chill and wait for me. When they are all in z flare throwing daze waiting I take the AKM they gave me and kill all three of them. Welcome to the apocalypse suckers.
  3. Issue 1: When I click options and try to check the boxes for "beta" and "steam overlay" they wont check. They stay blank. No matter how hard I click, if I run in admin, re install, etc. Issue 2: Say I am annoyed that I cant get those check boxes to work on that launcher how would I go about launching from the Six Updater w/ steam overlay? I figured out how to use the updater just can't find a way to have it launch via steam. Issue 3: Is there a way to save a server browser "filter" in the six updater?