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About omer325

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. omer325

    Textures problems

    Anyone have a solution?
  2. omer325

    Textures problems

    It doesnt. But when im changing my textures from high to low it will be fixed for another 2 minuets and the textures will be flickered again..
  3. omer325

    Textures problems

    Actually i've updated my video card today and tried again. Still the same problems with the textures :(
  4. omer325

    Textures problems

    Anyone else can help me?..
  5. omer325

    Textures problems

    Yeah i really hope they'll fix that. Thanks anyway for your time
  6. omer325

    Textures problems

    first when the game came out i didnt have any problem with the quality but now something is messed up. i am playing on low quality tho but my friends also plays on low quality and it happens all the time not only in rain
  7. omer325

    Textures problems

    No i didnt. im playing with the textures when it happens but its helping for another 2 3 minuets and the textures getting flickerd again.. im out of options =\
  8. omer325

    Textures problems

    Hello. Im having some problems with the textures. first its all fine and my textures are good but im playing like 5 minuets and from this textures http://prntscr.com/5j9fg3. im getting this http://prntscr.com/5j9f7g please help me Thanks.