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About SpartanGaming

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SpartanGaming

    Mouse lag / delay

    Can I please get help?...72 views?
  2. SpartanGaming

    Mouse lag / delay

  3. SpartanGaming

    Mouse lag / delay

    Can someone help?
  4. SpartanGaming

    Mouse lag / delay

    Hello. So I am new to DayZ and started playing today, I am noticing that when moving my mouse it will get laggy and just really delayed. This only happens in my inventory and in the main menu and it is really starting to create a problem. Also when I move my mouse it lowers my FPS from 50 to 7. Cant really provide screenshots hence it wont look like it, but I can get a screenshot of my mouse surrounded what looks like a black box over it. Hope to get help, Regards.
  5. SpartanGaming

    Battleye EULA problem, Help?

    Please help me, no idea what to do and can not get any help and I just bought the game
  6. SpartanGaming

    Battleye EULA problem, Help?

    I have tried relaunching DayZ as well,
  7. SpartanGaming

    Battleye EULA problem, Help?

    Hello, so I just bought DayZ and I click once launching to go and accept the terms, however when I go to do so it will come up like this not even giving me a chance to accept, could not find it on the forums or on anywhere so decided to come here. Here is the screenshot hope you can respond to me quickly. Regards. http://gyazo.com/f380f5d67ef51ae61d8a65f7f53d6298 Note: That is not my whole screen