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About Mona

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  1. Mona

    Why Day-Z Fails

    Blizzard destroying games??? Sorry dude but blizzard got 3 games they worked on the last few years and thats starcraft, warcraft and diablo. I asume you ment activision.
  2. Mona

    Suggestion: Larger cities

    I think there are gonna be some big citys in arma 3
  3. ye i just had the same problem, im also getting kicked.
  4. ok so what is your suggestion...
  5. you know that more people can have the same name right? what is/was his name?
  6. Mona

    Atlanta 8: Hacked In HMMVW w/ Screenshot

    you are right, the only militairy jeep you can get is this one : http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Military_Offroad
  7. Mona


    while we are talking about it, lets add unicorns and flying elephants to the game, so people can fly but hey to balance it, you will start with nothing and you get aids in 2 mins. Seriously though why in the heck would you want this to be added?
  8. Mona

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    what i personaly like the most will be if someone is shooting the zombies would walk to that direction and not just run towards you. Because they wont know where sound is coming from but they will asume its coming from the direction you shoot. So first they will walk towards the direction and if you shoot again and they can see you in there POV they will run to you.
  9. Mona

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    will you guys give the guy some break he is already adding new shit everyday(well almost everyday) and fixing alot of stuff, zombies are getting new features with the day till they are perfect. Just chill your tits and wait patiently.
  10. probaly none as no one is friendly. i keed i keed, i'm planning to come with some friends, so probaly will meet you there i guess.
  11. OR it could give you 600 hp but there is a high chance for a desease that kills you realy slow. and maybe add some blury vision to it. And you can only remove the desease with morphine.
  12. but rocket what about the zombies, is that also because the admins diddnt update the server, or did they just became chuck norris?
  13. man this aint super zombies, its like you are on chuck norris's island and trying to sneak passed his minions. those are chuck norris's zombie's.
  14. well i havent realy tried much cause when i logged it and i was crouched running i atracted alot of zombies, now crouching is like how running was before and running is way to lousy, did anything change about this?