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About thevoodoodevil

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. thevoodoodevil

    Multiple-Player Dependent Actions (Assist,Lift,etc)

    This is a great idea, as the game lacks dynamics that would encourage teamwork. The game has devolved to almost every situation being "kill asap or be killed" because there is not much reason to ever need other people.
  2. thevoodoodevil

    Dead body states

    It would be cooler if the body began to decompose before despawn, so that the items and the body would degrade over time. The lack of corpses in the streets hurts the realism a little. Bodies should stick around for at least 20 mins, preferably longer if not a major memory issue.
  3. thevoodoodevil

    The Last Boy Scout Teddy Bear

    haha that would be a great addition for when one wants to dress as a bandit in drag
  4. thevoodoodevil

    Strength of Prison Door Locks

    Bolt cutters/chainsaws/grenades only! But you'd also need options to drive people out of locked rooms, perhaps with gas grenades, or smoke from fire on a stick combined with toxic items (?)
  5. thevoodoodevil

    Suggestions about Payday Masks

    A guy fawkes mask would be pretty sweet to have in-game.
  6. thevoodoodevil

    Bring Back Burlap Sack Masks!

    I loved burlap sac masks; never wore them myself, but I teamed up with anyone I found wearing them, and usually had great experiences as a result. I would love to see them brought back. The more uses for burlap sacs, the better, and because of how valuable they are becoming, I think they wouldn't be too commonly used.