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Swither (DayZ)

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About Swither (DayZ)

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  1. Swither (DayZ)

    Fires & logs?

    Thanks pilgrim, so easy as you said! Just need to find rocks and I'm good to go.
  2. Swither (DayZ)

    Fires & logs?

    Now I'm confused. How do I get the option or find logs/kindling if I don't have an axe? If my axe isn't equiped, then no option to chop kindling/logs appears. How do you get a search for them to work? The Wiki even says 'Firewood is an Item in DayZ Standalone. It is required to fill up Fireplaces and can be achieved by chopping a tree with a Splitting Axe or a Firefighter Axe.'
  3. Swither (DayZ)

    Fires & logs?

    Cheers, got the kindling & log by following your advice Mookie and GaryWalnuts, thanks. Just hitting F did the trick. I was using left mouse button when it said to chop for kindling/logs.
  4. Swither (DayZ)

    Fires & logs?

    Ok not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can no longer chop kindling to make splints or a firekit? Oh and yes I am using a pristine splitting axe. Also I cannot chop any logs to make a fire either? I have chopped away on all sorts of tree and nothing. I crouched and searched, but still nothing. Any ideas as I am fed up dying of hypothermia?
  5. Swither (DayZ)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Well after saying I never see anyone....I guess be careful what you wish for. Logged in and headed to the shore, thinking to head west for a change towards Cherno. I'm in a hanger and someone logs in right next to me (new spawn) , makes me jump! They run off and I run after all weapons put away asking them if they want some food, as I have loads. They keep running. A couple of minutes later I bump into them and again I ask if they want some food and drop a can of opened peaches next to them and back off. They run away again. I pick up my peaches. Later I decided to head inland and skirt Cherno, but the bloody rain soaks me and I get messages after a while saying I'm freezing. I find a barn and wring out my clothes (only found out you can do that recently, even shoes?!) Still freezing so I get my axe and try to chop some logs for a fire. No logs show up, try several types of trees and no logs at all. I hit a bush and make a fire kit, try to use the matches I have but they won't light the kindling. I die of hypothermia. Next day I respawn by the lighthouse and head towards the nearest buildings to gear up. Zombies attack and kill me. Respawn - right by where I died. I find a shovel and take out one zombie, trapping the other in a house after it bugged through the shut door and I managed to knock it out long enough to get out and shut the door behind me. \o/ Found some basic clothing and another zombie appears and server drops mid whack of the shovel! Log back in later and am at the point where I found the shovel and ready to take on zombies......repeat the previous. Clearing out the small village I head to the next place west of where I was. I take out a couple of zombies with my trusty shovel. Going from house to house I spot a couple of bodies in the road. I have a look and see that they are zombies not players and decide to be careful, but didn't hear or see anyone. I head into a barn and hear a shout, so I run in and out of buildings hoping to lose whoever was shouting. Getting into a hanger another player wearing a bandana over his face and swinging an axe runs in after me. I back off and don't pull my shovel of doom. He starts attacking me, then another player in bandit uniform runs in and shoots me with a rifle. I run out, but they follow so I turn around and smack the shovel into both who end up bleeding and seem to panic a bit. I keep running away from them, but they follow. So what ensues is a game of chase me and meet the shovel until the one with the rifle realises that they can simply shoot me. He does and takes out my legs...game over. Just respawned somewhere I heave no idea where I am. Middle of a small village with orchards. Immediately find an axe, rifle & ammo. If I knew where I was I would head back to the lighthouse area and 'fix' my bandit friends. So I guess as I was complaining that I never see anyone, that I should be careful what I wish for!
  6. Swither (DayZ)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Not want to get KOS, but would be good to have people to avoid in the first place! Will hang around those areas and see what happens. Oh and never seen anyone at NW airbase, got killed on the way back once but weeks ago.
  7. Swither (DayZ)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    I keep going on busy servers but rarely see anyone? I even act as bait sometimes, but very rarely see anyone. Walking up the middle of roads and shooting zombies.
  8. Swither (DayZ)

    Dumb ways to die

    Made me smile :)
  9. Swither (DayZ)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Got to Grishino, desperate for water and was busy looking for water or cans when I heard a truck pulling in to town, with zombies in tow. I watched the player run out of the truck into a nearby building and decided to see if I could steal his truck....was fed up walking to airbase for days! (taking so long due to weird compass issues) Anyway I managed to sneak into the truck and was about to start it up when the player whose truck it was comes back and instead of shooting, he offers advice on how to start the truck! I was so taken aback that I apologised for nearly stealing his truck and got out, returning the truck to him. Makes a change not to be kos. No idea why I'm heading to airbase anyway, as I prefer auto shotgun & magnum and need no gear? Just seems that is where everyone heads for.
  10. Swither (DayZ)

    Servers shutting off..

    I get a similar thing since the last patch. Playing fine, then no message received message, then kicked. All servers marked as favourites have 0 players on them when I look at the list, can't all be re-setting at the same time surely? Got to be a bug and very annoying.
  11. Swither (DayZ)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Finally I saw someone! Was filling my water bottle when they ran up and started drinking from the well. I ran back and started to ask if they needed anything, as they has basic starter stuff, but they ran off somewhere. Not to be left solo again I tried to find this player and also didn't like the idea of finally finding someone who might try and sneak up behind me. Suddenly this player appears and runs at me with fists up. I backed off and raised my magnum, but he kept coming so I shot him a few times. He still didn't back off so I switched to my shotgun and gave him a face full. 'sigh' typical my first player in days and an idiot. I told him so over his peppered corpse. Today I came across a petrol station and having seen them blow up on youtube decided that if I blow it up I might attract some players to interact with....was bored by now. Stood back and fired my shotgun..........oops I guess I was a tad too close as screen went black instantly and BOOM! LOL Re-spawned between Cherno & Electro and starting over.
  12. Swither (DayZ)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    The soda can noise and cracks seem to be background noises and not always players. A bit like the chain fence noise you can hear even if you are in the middle of woods. I have been playing now for days and have yet to see anyone, let alone get shot at. I have gone from Berizino to NW airfield, the big castle, Electro and am now heading inland to find a truck to drive. Where is everyone? This is on full 40 man servers too. Found an SKS but decided to stick to my magnum & auto shotgun as my aiming looks like it is very shaky even though I tried a splint, morphine and I'm healthy?