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Jesus Christ The Goblin

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About Jesus Christ The Goblin

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  1. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    Lunch Parameters

    The only launch parameter I use -nopause
  2. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    Authenticity: Time Acceleration vs Night Lights

    Electricity has been confirmed for the future. It's my understanding that time acceleration was introduced so players who enjoy playing with a day/night cycle but do not have the time to play for hours and hours can still enjoy the game. Personally I enjoy accelerated time because it means that I don't have to play for 24 hours in order to get a full day cycle. I imagine night time is going to get prettier when the new renderer hits stable. I've read that there are lots of technical limitations on lighting at the moment, This can be seen when you throw a flare in a building and beams of light shoot through the walls, Just be patient and I'm sure night time will get a make over some time after the new renderer. For the record I already find night play attractive.
  3. I know you reinstalled direct x but just incase it didn't reinstall that specific .dll I have uploaded the one from my computer. D3DX9_41.dll I then recommend using this site to scan it for viruses, I know it's clean already but you should scan it for peace of mind anyway. https://www.virustotal.com/
  4. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    Armored, silent, ninja, stealth zombies + no loot = win?I

    You don't have to kill every zombie you see, You can stealth around them if you crouch and when that fails you can lock them in houses or run away. There are definitely hordes around so I'm not sure why you think there are fewer zombies. Also I only stop to fight zombies if I have a gun, Otherwise I lock them in a house and carry on looting. If I get trapped then I will melee but I try to avoid using melee against zombies who also use melee. I don't want the game to be impossible but the game has to be challenging otherwise it shouldn't be considered a survival game. I have read so many posts from people saying that there is no food anywhere but I haven't starved to death yet, Perhaps I'm doing it wrong. Dayz is going to be mod capable one day, I imagine that will bring back all the people who left.
  5. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    Where are people from Chernarus?

    It would be interesting to have random corpse spawns just like the random helicopter crashes and car wrecks. I'm excited about being able to loot zombies
  6. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    DayZ 0.55 has given the sentence "the coast is clear" a true meaning

    This mechanic has been announced, Just wait a patch or two. Roasting food on stick is in development for a while. I'm sure that you will like the result as it also requires to hold the stick above fire
  7. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    Can the Zombie count be manipulated?

    I have cleared smaller towns of hordes and then when I passed through the town again later there were no new zombies there. I collected every single zombie around Elektro then locked them in the fire house. The town was clean of zombies for a long time until some poor guy set them free. However the second and third time I locked all the zombies in the fire house I did notice that there were random zombies wandering around and I had no explanation for where they came from, This leads me to believe there is some randomness to it.
  8. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    Not all Servers are the same. (0.55)

    I've noticed that the private servers which have more loot than what 0.55 is supposed to have don't keep any items upon restart, This has lead me to the assumption that this is due to them resetting their persistence data. I haven't managed to find a single private server which had no loot and I've been playing quite a few of them. I've found many private servers which have less loot than 0.54 but I don't think I've actually starved to death yet.
  9. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    This is a survival game

    Isn't that how it works? I've found military gear in military areas and in random locations. Totally agree, I had a zombie break my legs as I logged in just before, I could have given up and died but instead I got on my knees and killed it with my axe.
  10. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    Most disappointing day in DayZ to date

    whoops you even said it was a desktop before.... turns out my reading comprehension is terrible when I wake up at 4am to play dayz after sleeping for 4 hours Yes, You should try the settings and see if it helps at all.
  11. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    Most disappointing day in DayZ to date

    Have you reconfigured all your power saving options so your CPU and GFX card don't get limited at all? Because it is a laptop it is probably naturally set to maximize power saving options. EDIT: I just reread and see you have windows 8.1, I hate windows 8.1. The one time I tried to use the search on windows 8 it couldn't find anything basic that windows 7 found instantly so you may have to find your own way to get into power options and the nvidia control panel. Type power options into the windows search box on the task menu and it should find it. What ever plan you use for gaming click on change plan settings Click Change advanced power settings PCI express + Link state Power management + setting off Then go to processor power managment System cooling policy Active Maximum processor state 100% Press Apply Then type nvidia control panel into the windows search box When that comes up expand 3d settings if it isn't already. Click on manage 3d settings Click program settings and then set the program to dayz. scroll down and set power management mode to Prefer maximum performance Then set Threaded optimization to on If all else fails make sure you have your laptop plugged into the wall, I don't use a laptop for dayz but I imagine it wouldn't hurt. I hope this helps fix the lag, If not I'm currently out of ideas.
  12. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    New DayZ Update

    I killed a chicken with an axe. If he manages to make a bow that could temporarily substitute for a gun, I really like the bow but I haven't used it this patch. I haven't experienced lag or desync with apple trees so I will take your word for it. I have found lot's of fishing hooks but maybe I'm lucky because I also have found enough water bottles to make improvised suppressors. What I suggested isn't easy to do but I just wanted to make people aware that these options are available to them if they do happen to find the right items.
  13. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    New DayZ Update

    Did you attempt to find animals when you discovered there was no food in the houses? Did you try and search apple trees for apples? Did you know you can craft a fish trap using a water bottle and a knife? You then need earth worms for bait. Did you know that you can craft a fishing rod? A lot of people are struggling with this patch but some of this struggle is due to a lack of knowledge.
  14. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    Most disappointing day in DayZ to date

    1.It's already been said but this is most likely to do with your computer or CPU. I understand you play other games fine, I play other games fine but Dayz pushes my CPU harder than any other game. 2.If you searched apple trees you would probably find fruit. You barely found enough food to survive but you did still survive, Dayz is a survival game so that sounds perfect. Did you find a burlap sack and a rope? Or leather and a rope? This can be used to craft a bag 3. I carry a large variety of ammo until I find a gun and then as soon as I find a gun I can shoot. 4.Good, You shouldn't engage zombies unless you have to. I am constantly sneaking around the map to avoid zombies, Even my characters who have automatic weapons don't pointlessly shoot zombies. I don't encounter extreme lag since I upgraded my CPU, Perhaps you require similar upgrades. I'm thinking that your computer ran dayz okay but now there are extra zombies your computer just can't handle it because I have seen no lag increase over last patch. I hope your next day in dayz is more fun.
  15. Jesus Christ The Goblin

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I searched this thread, Found no answers and didn't feel like reading 32 pages so Has anyone tried growing bell peppers or tomatoes? I grew lots then ate lots and I couldn't get from dark green energized to light green energized. I could get stuffed but I couldn't seem to gain anymore energy. The empty slots in this tent were filled with bell peppers and tomatoes, I ate all of them and still no more energy. I would report the bug but I want to see if anyone else had the same issue first.