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Posts posted by Cragen

  1. I agree, its gone between super sight and now the zombies have super hearing.

    Its just no fun when zombies spot you from a mile away. Especially when you're far away from a big building like a barn or hill to make them walk slowly. Right now running seems to be the same as firing a Lee-Enfield.

    I've completely stopped caring about stealthing since it just isn't work it at the moment. No matter how slow you walk you will be spotted and you're gonna have to sprint to survive and then you will agro everything else in a 300 meter radius.

  2. I have had 0 people help me since 1.7.1 at most they will ignore me and typically they will tell me to stop following since there's only 2 things other fresh respawns can do for you:

    1) Accidentally pull Zeds to your position' date=' kill you both

    2) Jack the first weapon you find and leave you unarmed

    At least other friendlies had the POTENTIAL to help before, now they are just a second chance to be spotted by eagle-eye zombies.

    Only thing I've gotten from other people today is headshots from bandit snipers.


    I agree, with how easy it is to agro zombies its very counter productive trying to survive with randoms unless they actually use the voice chat and you can start communicating.

    One thing I was thinking about last night that could work in giving the player just a bit of firepower, but still make you feel quite desperate to survive is a crossbow with 1 or 2 bolts.

    You'd be able to take out individual zombies, but nothing more then that.

  3. You have to join a server which is compatible with the latest beta patch.

    Required: "1.60.93825" = Good

    Required: "1.60" = Bad... No sound

    Servers I manage to get sound I get 5 fps' date=' servers where I don't get sound I get 40-50 fps.

    If I could only find a working third option I'd be a happy camper.


    Restart computer, fixed my huge fps drop weeks ago.

    Restarting did nothing, seems to be server related with the new patch.

    If I could just find a fix for the sound issues I'd be happy. Tried reinstalling the beta patch, DirectX ect, but nothing works so far.
