Here at we are a group of people that have come together to not only make one of the best servers out there, but to make a bond with our community. TheHouseOfRoyals, consists of Asus, Glen, Riley, and Pepstar as the head admins/scripters. We dedicate our time to make your dayz experience more enjoyable with many admin events, and admin interaction with players. Our server has many of the up to date features such as.. Door Management Vector Building Plot4life Plot Pole Management Drug Harvesting All Skin Trader Self BB, Right click options, Custom All Skin Traders, Custom AI missions that we change every month with new missions!, Active admins, walking zombies, Coin currency, online banking and atm's around maps!, weed fields! indestructible bases, dedicated box, We add more and more stuff as they come out. Our goal is to make our community the happiest. Come check us out, you wont be disappointed. Let us know if you heard about us from here in game! Hope to see you there!