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Everything posted by pwnerman

  1. pwnerman


    hey guys I was running around svet looking for burlap sacks on an almost empty server on stable trying to finish my gillie and the most random thing occurred that scared the crap out of me. nobody was even near me and while i was standing still for a second a message popped up in the bottom corner saying "has started strangulation on you" or something to that effect. I can't remember exactly because I had spent alot of time looking for netting and burlap so I panicked, ran away and logged out. To my knowledge and a quick google search it doesn't seem like the ability to strangle people is in the game and I know the message said someone or something was strangling me. Plus nobody was even near me. If anyone could enlighten me on this that would be great.
  2. heys guys might be weird but if you are near svet and want a bushrag plus some other gear i cant carry it all and its in a mountain backpack, so you might wanna add me on steam and get it before the restart and im also looking for new people to play with
  3. I have 4 netting i dont need
  4. i have the ip for the server i was on but all that stuff i left has surely disappeared by now
  5. i dont have any friends that play pc and i thought the bushrag was a piece of the ghillie set but i later figured out that you can only wear either the top or the bushrag so i had a bushrag to give away but its prob gone now either the restart or someone picked it up. I left it in the middle of the road for someone
  6. pwnerman


    what I want is face paint make yourself look super commando but yea i guess an admin just spooked me
  7. pwnerman


    well i had been on the server for awhile and I usually look at the server messages that pop up over and over and i hasnt seen that one since i joined about 20 mins before hand so it spooked me