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Everything posted by AvulseOfficial

  1. Custom Scripts Custom Loot Table AntiHack DZMS Mission System EMS Mission System Snap Building Pro Build Precision Self Bloodbag Service Points Take Clothes 2.0 Halo Spawn w/Smoke Deploy Bike Tow/Lift Map Additions Revamped Balota Revamped NE Airfield Revamped Krasnostav Chernarus Oil Rig Beached Aircraft Carrier Chernarus PvP Arena Bridge to Skalisty Trader Additions (Blackmarket) DMR + Ammo (Blackmarket) M107 + Ammo (Blackmarket) MK17SD + Ammo (Blackmarket) KSVK + Ammo (Blackmarket) RPG-7 + Ammo (Hero) Apache Helicopter (Bandit) KA-52 Jet Black (Hero) Attack Little Bird *This server is for mature players only Do not expect game play to be easy. *Limited time over, join the server with a group of 2 or more players and get a truck full of building supplies. Server: Website: www.MultiplayerUniverse.com Teamspeak: ts3.MultiplayerUniverse.com Forum: www.MultiplayerUniverse.com/Forum YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/MultiplayerUniverse Twitch: www.twitch.tv/MultiplayerUniverse
  2. Thanks man, we really appreciate that, we have been cranking down trying to get these scripts to work the way we want them, and of course to please our players too! :)