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Everything posted by Daztrazzak

  1. It should have said we put the Black high cap vest inside the olive high cap vest inside of a smesh vest. Lol
  2. Let the butthurt flow through all of us!
  3. As soon as you and your squad broke my legs I just gave up. I didn't realize there were so many people there I was just trying to get food. I would have looked elsewhere if I saw anyone.
  4. I will be back soon almost have another ghillie done and already have my weapon and gear set other than that. I have been finding a lot of heli crashes because I was/am looking for people and they seem to attract people. I will be seeing you guys soon. That sun was so bright I couldn't even see anything to the East when you guys opened fire on me. I heard shots from everywhere and was like damn... I am going to die. lol
  5. Welp I got murdered by a game crash so it is time to gear up as a bush and never be seen by people with guns again. I hope to see a lot of people at the FOG meet and greet.
  6. Well I was able to be heard this time and it wasn't on the NWAF. So it wasn't a active KoS area. I am just happy to be alive still.
  7. Well I ran into FOG again but this time I didn't get a free trip to the coast. I was a little worried when I got handcuffed but I am still alive to help out anyone who needs it. :)
  8. I could have just ran but I wanted to try to talk even though bullets were flying in my general direction. I will just have to run from now on until I play something other than medic lol.
  9. I don't even carry a gun with ammo when I play as a medic so I could only try to talk with the FOG player that hunted me down. I was trying to stay out of line of sight but allow them to know I was still there. It was just stupid of me to go to the NWAF lol
  10. It is so hard to trust people especially at the NWAF so I was scared. I was trying to say I was friendly but we weren't close enough to hear each other totally. I have geared up again and will be looking for people to help.
  11. Does anyone know if tents will stay after server restarts? I don't care about the gear inside. I am just looking to set up a little base area
  12. Free gear in Vybor Military on server one. I am switching to server two because it seems to be the better server. I will be there until restart or someone kills me.
  13. Hey everyone. I figured I would stop creeping through the woods and say hi.
  14. I will do my best to make it but it really depends on what time you guys pick. I can't wait to hang out and not worry to much about getting shot in the back.