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About eviscerate

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  1. I play on "[iNS] Vanilla Dayz(1.8.5)Walkingzombies|Basebuilding" You can PM me on the forum your steam ID. or leave it here. I also have a TS3 server. I also have 1 other playing with me. We been fixing vehicles and stashing them. We need a crew to help the process. We are pretty much survivors but we kill anyone to benefit us, bandits, other survivors, heroes, etc. We like to PVP and we like to horde gear, and vehicles. Anyways leave your steam, or PM me your skype.
  2. eviscerate

    High Capacity Vests

    My friend found one few days ago, He didn't say where. I assume he found it in a heli crash. Because he kept hopping servers and finding heli's in the same exact area's.
  3. eviscerate

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    1024x768 with all lowest settings, everything turned off. In big citys, like cherno or elektro, I am not sure. You might lag out and freeze a lot. The processor speed being 1.7ghz is the big problem. You're GPU is fine...
  4. eviscerate

    DayZ minimum/recommended Specs and your rig

    The game is not very optimized true. but reason he's getting 25-30 fps in cities is because its a AMD processor.
  5. eviscerate

    DayZ minimum/recommended Specs and your rig

    i5-4670k @ 4.8ghz. EVGA GTX 560 2gb SC edition. 8gb ddr3 2,000mhz. Ultra settings, no AA. Shadows disabled. 60-70 fps everywhere. 40-45 fps in cherno, elektro, svet.