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Everything posted by wcski

  1. wcski

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I am having an issue running this version of the map. I installed the update from my HFB gameserver control panel and started the server. Then updated my client using DayzCommander and was able to join the server. When I did join I noticed my player was a "fresh" spawn, but I did not previously die. Was a bit strange, but ok, thought it was a minor bug. One my clan mates that joined right after me had the same issue. Strange Then I ran into a town to gear up and I could not get any loot or zeds to spawn at all. Map seems to be running with the new breath affects and such, but no loot or zombies spawning for anyone. Not sure what to do to correct this issue. Any ideas? Anyone have this working on HFB servers? Thanks Ski
  2. wcski

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Great news! I by no means meant my previous post to sound like I was not apprecitive of your work. I understand you want everything working prefect before your release and you had issue to work out. Ski
  3. wcski

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Yes, you can do that with the community tools. But looking at the server browser it appears "most" people are playing Namalsk servers updated to the patch. I do not know why, but I know my server is dead since and those Namalsk servers that somehow are running it have more people. So if anyone has a link to the files to update Namalsk .6 to work with dayz I would appreciate it. Seems to be more delays to the release of Namalsk .7 for some reason. Ski
  4. wcski

    DayZ: Namalsk

    It has been a long time since it "appeared" that Namalsk .7 was going to be released, is there any progress to report on this map update? And if there isn't, can someone please explain to me how to get my Dayz server to work with Namalsk .6? Nobody wants to roll Dayz back to 1.7.3 to play on our Namalsk server. I really need to get it updated to and if the .7 is not coming soon, help explain how to get .6 running please. Thanks, Ski
  5. wcski

    DayZ: Namalsk

    Thanks for all the hard work. Hope to see the update out soon. Will certainly help my server traffic. Not sure how others have version .60 working on Dayz but with mine still being on 1.7.3 we have almost no traffic now. :( Ski
  6. I was wondering if it is possible to change the player death messages so they say something like " player X killed player Y" instead of just "play Y was killed"? I have been doing some searching on the internet, but it seems everything I try breaks the server. So I am wondering if anyone has gotten this type of messaging to work with DayZ? We run a private bliss hive server. Thank for the help in advance! Ski
  7. Dez, Sorry, but I do understand your reply. What is the "hook"?
  8. wcski

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I think you should be able to eat and drink in a vehicle. People do it all the time when they are not the driver, and sometimes when they are in real life, not game life. I don't think that should have been changed. It is more real to life then not. Should of just removed the changing cloths. THANK FOR ALL THE HARD WORK GUYS!! Ski
  9. wcski

    Admin abuse

    You were not banned from the server for anything other then using foul language. On our server we have a program running that watches the chat and you used the F word while you were complaining that we killed you, which is why you were instant banned for a 2 min. temp ban. You then came back in after that no problem, continued your whining, but were able to join back in. Simple truth is you got mad and acted like a little child because you were killed. Sorry you were killed and did not have anything. We were picking up our mate and did not want to take the chance, that is all. That chopper is part of that Namalsk map. You are welcome back any time, just follow our server rules. Ski
  10. hmmmm, well lets see I have already been waiting several hours. I anticipate at least a few more hours for the person to "wake up", so I will say 7PM CST Ski
  11. You wait and wait and wait and wait some more for HFB to add it to the update list. Their standard line is "We wait 24 hours after release to post updates to ensure they are stable". But it is a manual update system and they should allow the server admin to have the choice to update their server "at time of release". We are smart enough to understand this is a beta and may cause some issues. Oh and in the mean time most people are auto-updated by the six updater and traffic on the server is dead, because we have to wait. Ski
  12. wcski

    BattleEye is shit. Bring on Punkbuster/Admin bans

    What we need is for the community admins to work together. Its like pulling teeth just to get a decent scripts.txt file from someone. I still have no clue if what I have is good or not. Also would be nice to have a centralize community like PBBans does with punkbuster games. All server admins stream to this site and bascially share there massive ban list. Ever server that streams to them addes to the list on the daily bases and when a person is banned on one server stream to PBBans, he is banned on ALL server stream to PBBans. Now I am not saying to change from BattlEye, I am just saying as a community we need to band together and use what we have to its full potentinal.
  13. wcski

    Revolver and M1911 nerfed?

    I did like the one shot kill, but I understand some of the points made. I think it should be one shot to the head and chest, but 2 shots any other location. It sucks the way it is now. Ski
  14. How do you figure out who did the teleporting? We had this happen on our server last night as well. I have something similar in the logs, but can not really tell who started the teleporting. Anyway for me to tell?
  15. My server has lagged / desync all weekend. The script.log file does not seem to be writing anything at all. Its still at a size of 0 and that template line on my server is: template = "dayz_797.Chernarus"; //DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE. - Its not 821 I do not have the lines referenced in the 1st post only appeared once: 5:45:53 Server: Update of object 48:82 arrived from nonowner
  16. We are having the same issue's on our servers. I have had clan mates state they have went to other server and have been able to play without the big desync issues found on our HFB server. And the great support team at HFB is not answering any of my tickets on the matter. Was not an issue until recently, beta or them messing with servers must be the cause. I am not sure which, but I think its them. Ski
  17. wcski

    US 659

    I am the clan leader for ]R[enegades clan. We run this server and would be glad to help in any way we can to resolve the issue. We also had some member in the server when this happened and they were also killed. We do apologize for the problems. We are actively working to resolve issues like this on our server. We are an established clan, but actually new to the Arma series and DayZ. I have been learning a lot about the servers, the files, and trying to learn about stopping the hackers. Again, sorry for the loss of your characters. :( Ski
  18. wcski

    BattleEye Script Detection

    Kabs, I am with you. I find it very sad to see how little server admin's help each other in this community. I am new to Arma via DayZ, so I am not sure if it is DayZ community or the Arma community as whole. I actually have a feeling its the Arma community as we whole. At least this thread started out as a way for use to ban together and share information. That is a good sign to me. Ski
  19. @Jskibo pretty much said it all in his post. I to have a server with HFB servers as well and do not understand this move by the Host / Dev team. I may be new to running an Arma server, but I have been a server admin for many years and just do not understand it. I think the Dev team should be helping server admins more by providing script.txt files with the latest hack information in them that we could use to update our servers and keep the hackers out of them. Things like this could be in a "server admin forum that we can use for knowledge transfer" as was said by @Tremu1ant. I hope this policy changes as well. Ski
  20. wcski

    Impossible to Report Hackers

    I have to say this forum is rather over loaded with suspected hacker post. It appears those responsible for dealing with them are a bit overwhelmed and need more help to keep up. I posted a thread for the 1st time a couple of days ago and it is already buried back to page 3 of this forum with only 57 reads and no reply from anyone. I do not know if this is possible or not, but for some of the punkbuster games our clan hosts servers for stream to a website call PBBans. It is a centralized website that houses a ban list. All server admin’s streaming to the website work together to keep hackers off all the servers. It would be nice to have something similar for DayZ/Arma servers. Or is there something that I am just not aware of? Does Battle Eye have something similar? I am sure with our community we have a bunch of solid server admins or server host personal that would be willing to step up and help. Maybe it is time to add/create a dedicated team to reviewing these posts and getting them resolved more quickly. I may not be the most qualified, but I am more then willing to help. This is not meant to flame anyone, please do not take it that way. I am just trying to look for solutions to what I see as a problem (because of the popularity of this mod) and help, that is all. Ski
  21. Hello, I am new to ARMA Servers, we have a Dayz server hosted by HFB Servers. This is my clans server and I am just attempting to figure out what to do to get these hackers off the server. I read that the only way a Jet spawns is by some kind of script thing. Unless jets are now spawning into Dayz servers as of 1.7.2? Server Name: DayZ US 659 (v1.7.2/94444) dayzmod.com - Hosted by ]R[ Renegades * Approximately 6pm EST, 10, July 2012 * Hacker spawned a jet into the server behind a house in the Three Valleys area which was discovered yesterday evening (~6pm EST?). If they aren't re-spawned on a server reset it means it happened between then and the previous regular server reset time. One of our members (Kreep?) entered and destroyed it (and himself) to get it off the server. I also received some reports last week of "nuke" that went off on the server killing everyone. And another time people were all teleported to one place on the map and killed. I have access to the log files and can provide whatever is needed, just ask. Will be glad to help provide whatever proof is needed. Thank for your time and a great mod, ]R[ Ski
  22. Have to say most of my clan members are not really enjoying the new changes. I have not had to experience them to badly yet because I have not had to spawn without even a pistol and try to find one. The no weapon = zombie attack higher + zombie see/hear better combo is a killer for getting new players into the mod. I think the combo could have been tweaked some, but I think taking away the pistol at the start was a killer for new players coming in and trying to learn. At least from what I am hearing. I see reading the thread people are on both sides of this topic.
  23. Well I just ordered a server from HFB and sent in a support ticket to have it put up in Chicago. I received the email the next day that its up and running in Seattle. Not a big deal, but would have been nice to know they actually read the support ticket 1st. Hopefully this gets corrected and I can start using my new server. Ski