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About mrperson666

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    Helicopter Hunter
  1. I'd put these a lower priority than zombies hitting through walls and excessive broken bones.
  2. mrperson666

    So....when will it be playable?

    Well, you know, it's the standard thing, it's an alpha. I can kinda sympathize though. I'm running out of reasons to play, too many broken bones and deaths due to zombies hitting me through walls or floors. Tired of building a character up for an hour only to have it die from something stupid and beyond my control, so might give it a rest until the next update hopefully cleans things up a bit.
  3. So, we all know that a broken leg means respawn unless you have morphine. So after managing to scrounge together a decent kit, next stop was North Cherno hospital. Got there, picked up a bunch of blood bags and found one all important, sacred morphine shot. Had a great gun, ammo, food, morphine, figured I had a rosy future. Decided to loot the apartments next door. But a zombie heard me somehow, I shot him but suddenly they were swarming the place. And now they start hitting me THROUGH THE FLOOR FROM THE ROOM BENEATH ME. I have plenty of blood, but they break my legs. I use my precious morphine shot, only to instantly have my legs broken again. They just keep laying into me from out of sight. I crawl up the stairs, into other rooms, but the invisible attacks from underneath keep coming. It is fairly obvious that these are not some disease infected "28 Days" type living infected person. With the sensing through walls, attacking through floors, and teleporting through any obstacle in their way, these are quite clearly zombies of a supernatural origin, possibly an "Evil Dead" nature. Someone, somewhere, has read passages from the Necronomicon and infected the dead with evil spirits. The new attack range and/or attack collision detection is screwed. It allows attacks through any and all obstacles, and needs to be fixed desperately.
  4. mrperson666

    To Rocket & the “Hardcore” crowd

    From the interviews I've read, Rocket is trying to elicit a certain emotional response, like he has experienced when doing military training. "Realism" won't necessarily always be the best way to get that response, and nor is being more and more "hardcore" (i.e. super hard for beginners and unfun for all but a few.) For instance, I'm finding has pushed things so that newly spawned players find things much more difficult, while clans and well stocked bandit teams find it much easier. This is probably quite realistic, but it isn't necessarily going to evoke the kind of emotional response Rocket is aiming for. So I don't think the "hardcore" crowd necessarily understand what Rocket is trying to achieve any more than anyone else. Especially when came out, I saw a lot of the "hardcore" talking about how great the new zombies were, and how the people complaining were just wimps and bad players. But actually the zombies were totally broken, which Rocket made clear in his posts and subsequent fixes. So I take the "hardcore" opinions with a big grain of salt.
  5. Not half as boring as spawing in the middle of nowhere and having to run down the coast ten minutes to get anywhere worthy of looting. As far as I can see, if I don't spawn near balota, cherno or elektro, there's not much point in continuing. I mean, I'm going to balota, cherno or elektro anyway, so why spend ten super dull minutes running when I can just respawn? Doubly so if you're playing with some friends. Game would be better if you could choose where on the coast to respawn.
  6. mrperson666

    Broken bones, no morphine, not fun.

    Yeah, that's fine if you spawn anywhere near a hospital, and it isn't being camped by bandits after the giddy thrill of killing easy targets. Those are big ifs.
  7. I heard that really short lives, for spawnpoint hopping, don't count toward the stats. Anyhow, I agree with the poster who said it was broken bones. This is my main gripe with the game now, starting without morphine. Good chance you'll get hit and get a break, and then there's not really anything to do but suicide and start again. Had many games ruined by this.
  8. At the game start now, if I don't have morphine and I get a broken bone, then for all practical purposes it's game over, time to respawn. And unfortunately, because of the likelyhood of having no gun or a gun with no ammo, broken bones are common. And having no morphine is also common. I'm tired of games where I crawl around carefully for an hour searching for guns and ammo, finally getting a gun and a little ammo, and then getting a broken bone from a zombie attack. I can be healthy, have some other great stuff, but an hour of effort is down the drain. The broken bone mechanic sucks when you spawn without morphine. It'd be much more playable if you spawned with morphine instead of painkillers. Shaking a little is fine, but reducing starting players to a crawl when they're already at such a huge disadvantage makes no gameplay sense.
  9. mrperson666

    Solo or group play?

    I've always played lone wolf, with occasional short collaborations with a stray survivor here or there. Was starting to get a bit bored of the game, then yesterday ended up in a group of 7 that when from cherno to NWAF. It was the most fun I had in ages. Even though there's less resources since you have to share, it usually turns out that someone has what you need. And you feel a lot safer versus bandits. On the downside, the chance of alerting zombies seems to go up, and once the shooting starts zombies pour in from every direction, since odds are there'll be some loud weapons in the mix.
  10. I think it's good having a chance to run away and lose them. Used to seem a bit stupid running across two fields, only to have a zombie from 5 minutes ago suddenly turn up still hunting me. Now it isn't too hard to lose them if there are buildings around, but it's still risky since you might end up attracting even more. Given the lack of starting weapon, the ability to lose zombies is pretty important. And the zombies can still deal out the bloody death when needed. I've been in several situations where unavoidable gunfire has attracted too many zeds and trapped me in some corner. One thing though, their collision detection is a mess, so they are going through walls and obstacles with monotonous regularity. And the increased hit range isn't great. They hit from distances that just don't look like they could reach you. If I'm more than arms length away, it doesn't make sense to take damage from a zombie attack. And they detect and attack through walls too often.
  11. Was with a group of 7 yesterday, at Stary. Up on a hill. We were reasonably well equipped and of moderate health. Saw a guy running through a field chased by zombies. I'm not a pker so I thought we might help him, we had obvious numerical advantage. Instead, one of the group decided to shoot him. So he died and we took his stuff. Oddly, the guy who shot him didn't seem to think of himself as a bandit/murderer. In chat later on, he was saying how the guy was running toward us and could have attacked and it there was no time. Wasn't really like that, but it made me wonder how many others up north kill quite happily and don't think of themselves as bandits. He shot a guy in cold blood and then took his stuff... seems pretty bandity to me. Yet this same team had been perfectly friendly when we stumbled into each other in Cherno. BTW, I said nothing at the time. Even took a knife from the corpse. Think that makes me an accessory. Felt a bit horrible, but I didn't want to risk making a fuss and putting a target on my own head. Made me think about how I might behave in real life. Anyway, I needed a knife, the corpse didn't have use for it anymore ;)
  12. mrperson666

    Be more fun if I knew who killed me.

    "so since respawning isn't realistic should we just throw realism out the window and fly around and shoot lazers out our eyes?" Don't think I said anything about laser shooting eyes, but I'll re-read my posts to make sure. Hmm, laser eyes...
  13. mrperson666

    Be more fun if I knew who killed me.

    daze23: "if someone shoots you in the back of the head from 100m away, how would you know their identity?" If someone shoots you in the back of the head from 100m away, how would you suddenly come back to life again standing on a beach a minute later? It's not a different person either, check your name, it's the same as the guy who just got killed. ;) So, as I pointed out, realism is hardly a barrier. Redshift, yeah, I much prefer seeing the names too.
  14. mrperson666

    Be more fun if I knew who killed me.

    "when you die, youre dead. Youre a new person so should have no grudges " I think that kinda fails the "realism test" too, though, since when you die, you don't suddenly come back as a new person, full stop. (Assorted religious beliefs aside.) So if you play the "realism" card, you should also never play the game ever again after the first time you're killed. If you do play again, then you may as well play with a grudge. Consider it re-incarnation with an echo from a past life.
  15. mrperson666

    Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

    I think there's a good chance the game will end up left just to the trolls/bandits. At the moment there's not much in it for friendlies after the initial thrill of perma-death.