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Mozzman (DayZ)

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About Mozzman (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Mozzman (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    How about introducing a gun respawn? Do guns EVER actually respawn. Starting to become a JOKE. Walking for hours and never being able to find a gun. Making this a very boring mod
  2. This game/mod just seems to be getting WORSE and WORSE with each build. I started playing this after seeing a review on a gaming show on TV and at that stage it was at build The people that reviewed the game raved on about it and said how much they loved it and wanted to come back and play it time and time again. Well after i played it i felt exactly the same. I stayed up and did a couple of all nighters, crawling around etc trying to find gear and SURVIVE. Then they bought out build and well it all started truning to SHIT. Couldnt play, kept getting disconnected etc etc, Then the food wasnt spawning (and drink). Now it feels like there are no weapons spawning. After 3 hours of play tonight i think i found one weapon, a crossbow. Now this wouldnt normally bother me cos i could ask my fellow players if they could help or knew what was going on. Well now i cant. What was once a great game where MOST people helped each other out, its now turned into a free for all death match as there is now more communication. Its CRAP. Yeah sure its more realistsic but instead of crawling around trying to find weapons and food and avoiding zombies, Im finding myself sprinting everywhere as i DONT care about zombies anymore. I only care about other players shooting me. This game became popular for a reason and with each build you are taking those reasons away. If people want it to be more realistic then build it into your difficuly levles. Never take away what made this game popular or people will never play it again. Im pretty much over it now as i feel the game has been ruined. Its quite sad as i had heaps of fun with previous builds and it feels that with each build it gets worse (apart from the hatchet :)) I remember people saying that in the NZ servers the game was so much more fun to play because of side chat. People helped each other out etc. Well dont ruin what could be a great game/mod and LISSTEN to the people. Not the morons lol
  3. Mozzman (DayZ)


    What wankers
  4. I havent found ANY at all since the 1.7.1 update, they totally screwed the game up with these updates.