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Everything posted by SNAFU84

  1. SNAFU84

    Master Shard and Slave Shard

    So I finally got my servers running. I've got a Master Shard and Slave Shard for the Private Hive. Is it possible to run the Master with persistence on and run the slave with persistence off? Has anyone done this? Both servers show up in my ACPLAYER, but they aren't connected. I can restart them both, do all that stuff, but nothing is shared. Does anyone know how to connect them or is that all done by the provider, which is Vilayer? If the Master is located in Montreal and the Slave is located in New York, would that be the reason why they aren't connected/linked characters? I'm a noob to all this server stuff and waiting 12 hours between each ticket response is kind of annoying.
  2. SNAFU84

    Master Shard and Slave Shard

    Thanks for the info! I guess I just have to wait for it to sync up or something. I thought it would be linked as soon as the server went live. Odd thing is, when it first went up I had to connect to it remotely, it wouldn't show up in the server list and it was listed as a public server...but it was locked. Now it's on the Private hive, just not connected. This stuff is all new to me, lol.
  3. SNAFU84

    Whats your funniest moment(s) In dayz?

    So i'm running around in Elektro just looking for random gear as I had recently been killed and felt like just messing around for a bit before re-gearing. I make my way to the hospital and notice the 1st floor stairway door is locked. Normally I would just walk away and leave the area, but I was feelin' frisky. I cleared the stair wells and reached the top floor. That door was locked as well. Instead of using my axe to break the door open, I punch the door and say "House keeping" to which I received a reply of mosin fire. I opened the door while prone to see if I could spot him and I did. He was behind one of the vents on the roof and if I was standing up when I opened the door, I would have gotten shot. I crawled up as close as I could. Adrenalines pumpin at this point. I had no weapons other than my crowbar and had no idea why I was even that close to an armed player in the first place. So I stood up and screamed over the mic "WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED!" to which he replies "HOLY SH*T!!!" and then shoots me. I don't think he was expecting me to be that close. So I re-spawn in Kamy. Meet up with a few random gardeners. At first they wanted to kill me, but I offered them a much more glorious path. I had officially created my very own Kamyshovo Militia. Myself included, we had 4 players in the ranks. Armed with pitch forks and sledgehammers, we set our course for Elektro. Along the way, we encountered other players who were willing to join the ranks of the Kamyshovo Militia. Now there were 15 of us by the time we reached Elektro. We all gathered at the bottom of the hospital as I checked to see if the door was locked and sure enough, mosin guy came all the way down stairs and locked the door again. So we cleared all the floors and made our way to the roof door. Sure enough, that door was locked again as well. So I engage in my normal routine. I punched the door and yelled "HOUSE KEEPING!" and bang, mosin guy takes a shot at the door. Once the door was finally unlocked, hilarity ensued. By the sound of the shot, mosin guy was in the exact same spot he was in the last time we crossed paths. I open the door and 15 of us pour onto the roof through the doorway yelling and screaming. 1 mosin shot goes off and one of our members goes down, we all run directly at him with our pitch forks and sledgehammers raised ready to take him out. The 3 Militia members in front of me must have lagged or something because they all ran right past mosin guy and fell off the roof. We were now down to 11 members. Mosin guy is now firing in every direction and his gun runs dry. As we are pummeling him with our melee weapons he yells out "DON'T SHOOT! FRIE...." mosin guy is dead. We had completed our mission. But there was a traitor amongst the ranks. As we were all celebrating, he pulls out a revolver and starts shooting us all. 1 by 1 the Kamyshovo Militia was gunned down by a trigger happy traitor. Or maybe he was just shooting in a celebratory fashion and just sucks at aiming. I really wish mosin guy didn't re-spawn so fast.
  4. SNAFU84

    What has been your biggest "I'm done" moment?

    Storing 200 rounds of 7.62x39 ammo and 300 rounds of 5.45 ammo inside of two pristine ammo boxes which took me weeks to find while surviving multiple hacker encounters, only to have it all deleted when a server crashed while I was storing it in my tent. Came back and was like "whatever, i'll loot vybor again." Get to vybor, game crashes, some guy shoots my lagging body. Lose AKM with 2 drum mags, AK74 with 3 mags and 2 pristine protector cases with 2 fully stocked medkits inside. That character was alive for 2 weeks and I lost it all without dying in an epic gunfight. Fuck this game. Now I just roam around spamming "give me bacon" over the mic, give a fuck factor is zero now.