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Eza (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Eza (DayZ)

  1. I was with my friends on balota airfields, we had parked our truck full of gear by the army camp. Good times were had, we managed to kill few people. There were four of us, me and two others were staying by our truck. One of us gets shot, now theres me and another one by the truck, we are getting really heavily shot from the forest on the other side of the open field, while fourth one has gone over to barracks. My fourth friend over the barracks notices the guy shooting at us, and shoots at him, he claims it was clear hit with barret, he saw blood and all but he claims this shooter didnt die. Soon enough from the cover I start to see multiple explosions, hitting the forest on the other side of the open field. Then I suddenly just die, out of nowhere, and my friend tells me over the skype that I died of explosion, he too took heavy damage from the same explosion, so did our truck, but manages to escape with the truck. fourth friend over the barracks tries again to take out him, but for what I understood he died before even having enough time to fire his gun, probably also dying by grenade launcher/mortar bombardment. time: few moments before writing this message, about 22:04, Finnish timezone (GMT+2) 21.10.2012. I returned to dayZ after probably three month break, to die on both days to cheaters. I think what is up ahead is so long break before standalone arrives. Hopefully it will be allright. This game already requires so much time, so it really frustrates to die because of these cheater kids. I´ve even heard some of them can lift off the ban.
  2. ? who are you talking to ? and about what ? edit: oh I see. nvm.
  3. Well, that closes the case. Thank you :) I wonder what those explosions were... really weird... maybe they werent the ones who spawned the weapon? I´ve heard of cases where people find fighter jets that obviously are not in-game, but are instead spawned by hackers and left there... but okay, I´ll shut up now. cheating not involved. Thanks again :)
  4. Is there thing that grants you immunity to barret shots? might want to read the whole post before replying. and the explosions were continuous, there were about 5-8 explosions within 5 seconds on the other side of the open field before one hit where me, my friend and the truck were. So, either it was hacker grenade launcher that can rapid fire continuously without having to reload the grenade launcher on the rifle, or it was mortar, which is not in the game.
  5. I got teleported to some barracks/camp, I disconnected quickly because I was about to be buttraped by cheater group hiding in the barracks, waiting to shoot me as I teleported to them. As I was aborting I got message that I was "kicked because teleporting is not allowed" or something. Soon enough, I tried to log in once I saw "global ban" message on the lobby, thinking that hacker(s) got banned, but when I logged back I was back in the same place I was teleported, and soon enough I got shot by waiting player in the barracks/camp. Time this happened, about 0:14-0:15 Finnish timezone (GMT+2) 20.10.2012
  6. Eza (DayZ)

    Hackers - Just Silly tbh

    yeaah, it was way better before it got so popular... Have been dayzless for 2 weeks now, Every now and then checking out the forums. with this mod becoming so popular, theres more hackers... however, im glad that bans are permanent bans and not just server or server group specific. I believe anticheat is working, but there just simply is too many hackers to keep up right now, but in time... in time.
  7. Eza (DayZ)

    Is it worth it reporting alt-f4?

    Most importantly, read cheat report guidelines -___- I dont think you can actually ban someone from doing alt-f4, sure it sucks and is annoying, but it cant be compared with hacking, using artillery, teleports, god mode etc... Plus everyone does it, I dont think what you were aiming with reporting alt-f4, especially since I bet everyone has done it sometime, at least when you were just introduced to dayZ, first day and having your first OMG-im-being-shot! firefight, concluding in panic disconnect.
  8. Eza (DayZ)

    So I just got banned?

    Are you absolutely sure you were banned, not kicked? have you tried to join other servers? because since battleeye sometimes acts like dayz versio of battlefield 2 punkbuster, sometimes it kicks you from server for no apparent reason. Kick is not same thing as ban. Kick = youre kicked from server and most times can re-join right away to some other server or even same server you got kicked from Ban = you are banned from server and most times ban is permanent
  9. well, if hes a hacker, why dont he just use all his cheats to spawn loot... he probably did it just for fun, he´s got all the items he needs, maybe even god mode, so why not teleport everyone to one building and kill them?
  10. Just captain obvious here pointing out that hackers name is/was gobby pls without that dot you put there. Now I shall fly away. I really hope he gets banned. Well, I´m 100% sure of it, since this is what for this cheat reporting forum section is for.
  11. Eza (DayZ)


    yes, because it is oh so wrong and horribly done to report cheaters... in a forum section called "cheat reporting"
  12. One reason why I stick to servers with at least 15-20 people.
  13. Eza (DayZ)

    Becoming your typical FPS PvP game?

    Main reason exactly why I play dayz less and less nowadays. It´s basically just another shooter, mixed with simulator elements and zombies in sandbox world.
  14. Eza (DayZ)


    wtf is problem here. zombies problematic? it´s freaking zombie apocalypse. Of course they are.
  15. Eza (DayZ)

    Stuck on loading screen.

    same problem for me since six launcher updated to ... Tried to get about 10 different servers that have good ping for me. No success...
  16. Eza (DayZ)

    Random Earth Quake events that aggro all Zeds

    sounds far fetched and more cliche than some random car alarm going off to me... chernarus just seems to be place that isn´t located near fault lines, and earthquakes are highly rare or so small that nobody probably even notices them on surface elsewhere, on top of that it´d hit some town... no, I don´t like it.
  17. Eza (DayZ)

    A few Day Z ideas

    whats your problem? you went all like ´no shit sherlock´ on me when I discussed about this! *gives up*
  18. Eza (DayZ)

    Stand-alone game's suggestions

    oh god NO! edit: we´d end up with high level stalker veterans that will never die, because they whoop ass with lover levels. enough games has this level bollocks, I really hope they dont involve it with dayz. edit2: and giving yourself beans? really?
  19. Eza (DayZ)

    A few Day Z ideas

    Not sure why people raise their suggestions, if it is so obvious that they are so FAR FAR FAR away in the future, and probably knowing that chances of their suggestion ending up in game is so slim, maybe even realizing that thousands of other people have come up with same idea, especially dev team that is probably daily thinking how to make dayZ better. so, what´s the point of all this?
  20. Nice way to keep topic alive and constructive. Okay, rest of us have bad reading comprehension. And then you admit that you didnt tell details. :thumbsup: noob? who said that? now youre the one pulling words out of your ass. to me, it just sounds quite hassle. I guess it´s reasonable if you have good team. good for you.
  21. Eza (DayZ)

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    sounds ridiculous. you´re proposing a list of baddies, like some gnome of santa claus. there´s so many issues, how do you think to avoid people reporting wrong people, reporting for kill that didnt happen just for the hell of it?
  22. Eza (DayZ)

    A few Day Z ideas

    sounds... nice little features I guess, but honestly, those are far far away in future
  23. Eza (DayZ)

    Zombies from L4D

    you have no grasp how to make video games, or what thing called copyright is, do you? I´m not even gonna start with the fact that dayZ and L4D are two different games based on two different engines... It´s like listening one of my friends friend tell me how they should use "graphics and stuff" from tron legacy -movie to make tron legacy video game. pffff.
  24. Eza (DayZ)

    Decrease enfield damage.

    sound makes up for it, firing enfield is like ringing dinner bell for zombies 400m radius. It´s good as it is, most of the weapons anyways kill you first or at least second shot. Most of the players don´t even pick it up because of the noise it makes.
  25. well, lot of people understood you wrong, and which fault is it? it´s in communication, but is it our fault for making things up, or yours for not being clear? I support idea of 2min countdown, but I do not support that if someone fires near you, it resets countdown. 2 min is plenty of time for you to realize that your prey is about to disconnect, find him and kill him. About your whole story of how you do whole operation of getting in some positions with your friends, setting up defense, that sounds ridiculous. You´re probably only person I´ve heard to go through such bigass operation to kill one player.