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Tikka (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Tikka (DayZ)

  1. Tikka (DayZ)

    Nearly got an heart attack when entering a prison

    hey guys, just to clarify, i'm in no case proud of this kill! I wanted to show you that there can be situations where you have no time to think about what to do and just happen to react on your reflexes. I felt really threatened when I was confronted with a person sprinting at me with helmet and tactical west and some woody thing on his back (nobody can tell me that he could have said in 1/10 of a second if it was an sks, mosin or just the baseballbat). furthermore there have been so many reports of people just running towards you to punch you in the face... I don't want to justify this kill for which i am really sorry, but i really want to see someone in the same situation reacting different...
  2. Tikka (DayZ)

    Nearly got an heart attack when entering a prison

    because i just spawned and only had the nine bullets i fired and i was afraid... btw he was not clearly dead as you can hear the "ouahhhh" when i hit him with the axe
  3. Tikka (DayZ)

    Nearly got an heart attack when entering a prison

    right, thats the point why i posted it. i never thought i could become one of those but please tell me you would have reacted different when you encounter someone in a high value military spawn area sprinting towards you...
  4. haha also can tell you a story about the nw-airfield as a safe place... Never encountered someone there but i never forget to be cautious so i had my m4 as always in ready to shoot position. i approached one jail building with closed door and thought of easy loot when the door opened and two m4 carrying dudes came out and startet to fire. Funny thing i killed them both although i was pretty fresh and just picked up an m4 with a single 30 round magazine...
  5. So if it is Not intended to be adjusted why is this option showing? I understand that the gamma beigthness thing to see at night could be exploiting but why do you think there is even an option for point of view?
  6. Tikka (DayZ)

    Guns are really weak now

    i just can tell you it can't be working as it is intended. you can't tell me your damn beans or rise or something like that can save you from a bullet. today i ran into some bad ass looking guy (we really crashed into each other running around a corner) and we started a firefight from about 1 meter away from each other. he sprayed his m4, i took 9 bullets from the sks into him (just spawned 10 min ago and that was all i had). fun fact the 9th hit finally made him unconscious and i had to hit him three times with the axe in the head until he was dead -.- by that time he was looking like a he is loosing about 10 liters of blood a second -.- maybe they should add a system to simulate blood pressure so that people have some effect when they lose to much blood simulating somehow a hypovolemic shock.
  7. Tikka (DayZ)

    Static noise when logging in?

    some say its a warning when you log in with a loaded weapon near to other players
  8. I love those selfdeclared heros. in real life we also shoot one shot someone else..
  9. Tikka (DayZ)

    Have scopes been removed from the game?

    best way to find some is to have a look on popular sniper places and take them from a sniper ;)
  10. In the current state, all your ammoboxes must have been a good bullet proof vest. Don't know how he could have killed you, you must have been like a tank and it took him about 20 bullets?
  11. Mhm you bullets alone wheight 30 kg plus mosin and shorty maybe allready 40 kg and i'm sure you had plenty supplies so you were probably carrying about 50 kg of stuff, so maybe you died of exhaustion. And if not, i think if anyone sees someone with a camoflaged long range scope mosin he will do his best to whipe this bandit off the world. We all know, long range mosin, espacially camoflaged, are not for killing zombies.. And last i think you have been taken down by one of your own species.
  12. Tikka (DayZ)

    Have scopes been removed from the game?

    i personally think lrs are not as usefull as they have been, since people seem to be taking mosin shots like if it was a baby punching them -.- and it is very hard to get a second or third or the hell even fifth shot at 500+ m with a person running in zig-zag...
  13. Tikka (DayZ)

    Have scopes been removed from the game?

    i think pu scopes are very common! i very often in hangars, towers and the red pub
  14. Tikka (DayZ)

    Have scopes been removed from the game?

    Yesterday i found a lrs in the hangars Southwestern airfield, with worn condition. But since tents have no loot anymore they are quite rare. Plus I wonder if lrs-scope badly damaged has an influence on accuracy? Because we all know it has no broken glass or something... I can also recommend using pu scope and lowest field of view, but some consider it cheating
  15. Tikka (DayZ)

    So I tried Hardcore..

    because most of them just do the same and use their special ability aka "the look around corner magic view". Maybe they are just afraid to walk into someone by accident?
  16. Tikka (DayZ)

    So I tried Hardcore..

    Since i tried Hardcore the first time i never wanted to play on regular anymore. It is so much better! Some examples: You can't look over 3 m high walls, or around corners etc. which highly increases supprising encounters but also makes you harder to spotYou have a much smaller field of view which makes using the function to turn your head and look over your shoulder more necessaryYou can't lie in high grass and shoot in third person with perfect view! If you ever tried shooting in unmown grass in real life you would know its not possible except shooting down a hill or somethingYou don't have to look on a guys ass all the timeYou can see small things like speedloaders, snaploaders, pistol-reddot much more easyPeople in generall seem more mature....
  17. Tikka (DayZ)

    Sorry dude. Rusty's dead.

    my victims usually don't talk back but try to combat log -.-
  18. Tikka (DayZ)

    Sorry dude. Rusty's dead.

    your heavy breathing sounds like there is your girlfriend under your desk doing her job ^^
  19. Tikka (DayZ)

    Only experimental servers showing

    It means they are doing the new update. just be patient :)
  20. Tikka (DayZ)

    Did he die or log out?

    So today i wanted to do some practice with a mosin to improve my sniping capability when i found a gratefull victim standing on top of the watchtower of an airfield. I aimed, and hit him in the hip (lol, my bad, viewing the shadowplay replay it was just the spot i aimed, think i was in a hurry). Nevertheless i see blood and he gets down, but isn't dead as i can see him crawling inside the tower. I took some follow-up shots but i can't tell if i hit him a second time to finish the job and release him from his pain. So i took out my handy revolver and approached the building carefully, but no one was there just a sks with pu - scope was lieing in the middle of the room. I am pretty sure from watching the replay he had 2 long rifles, so i think it was the duplicating one (don't beat me, everyone knows how it works) that appears when logging out with 2 weapons. But since i think i saw him sitting in there not for 30 seconds but just for a period between two of my shots I wonder if it could also be that i killed him and his body disappeared because somewhere i read something about bodies disappearing again after 30 seconds when somebody logs out.
  21. Tikka (DayZ)

    Attention Combat Loggers

    So true, i think some people are not aware that they sit down and don't keep lieing on the floor when logging out....
  22. Tikka (DayZ)

    Did he die or log out?

    Edit: viewed the video once again with 1/10 of the speed, and now i can clearly see whats happening. So he crawls in, and logs out, raising his head just as high that i can see it. i take the shot, he gets down, then he raises to standing and then drops dead... lol the last things a body does when shot sitting is to get down, get up again and get down -.- mhm i'd appreciate fixing both bugs, maybe they could change that you can have one gun on back and one in your hand into "1 axe and 1 gun or 2 guns but no axe"...
  23. First of all hi to everyone, since this is my first posting. Now to my story: Yesterday i was travelling to the northeast airfield with my mate. we were both pretty standard equipped, my friend had a m4 without any scope and i had an mosin with pu scope. We are generally trying to keep a low profile, so we don't run straight into the place but are silent and always wait some time to see if anything is moving. So we had a look on the airfield, the doors were all closed and zombies all around. From this we were not expecting people around and were hoping for some nice loot. But we also know never to be incautious so we kill the zombies in our way with an axe to remain silent (one keeps his weapon up in case something goes wrong) and approach the first building (we were approaching from the east). As usual one secures the entrance and the other one (in this case me because m4 was better for guarding at close range) loots the place, trying to keep low so he can't be seen trough the windows. Everything went fine so we went to the next building, which was the tower. Same game there, my mate secures the entrance and i loot. So next buildings were the hangars. We took our way north of the wall that is surrounding the workshop/garage, when we heard a zombie. So i switch to my axe to kill the zombie. Suddenly things started to heaten up. I hear the sound of a mosin shot, followed by a second shot, striking down my mate. We are playing on a hardcore server so i had no clue where the shots were coming from, but since the first obviously missed, it had to be either an unskilled sniper or he was pretty far away. First thing i did was running behind the wall to make up a plan. Since the wall has been covering us from the south the sniper(/snipers?) had to be somewhere north. I thought maybe i can find them or at least take my friends m4. So i took a look around the wall, but i couldn't see anyone, but there are countless bushes where someone could be hiding. Next thing i did was trying to reach my buddy to quickly loot the m4, when a heard the mosin again. I tried to run back behind cover but it was to late and i got hit and died... Since i enjoy this game very much and i understand, that setting up such ambushes on hotspot regions is part of the game for some people, i don't have a problem with gearing up once more, but i was wondering if anyone of you more skilled players would have had a tactic where our death could have been prevented. My own idea was that next time when we move in open field, we won't be croching with our weapons up but doing a fist-up-speedrun, so snipers would have a harder time getting a hit on us. But that way we could have problems being easily spotted or suprised in close range combat... I am open for any ideas and please excuse my bad spelling because this isn't my motherlanguage
  24. Tikka (DayZ)

    Why KoS

    I would say I sometimes KoS to bring an actual surviving aspect in this game, environment is not very harmful...
  25. Tikka (DayZ)

    Suggestions how i could survive the ambush the next time

    ok so should i avoid only this specific airfield because of the glitches or are the other airfields also that dangerous because of glitches?