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Tikka (DayZ)

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About Tikka (DayZ)

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  1. Tikka (DayZ)

    Favorite route?

    There is enough PvP at nwaf... Plus PvP there means not shooting on freshspawns
  2. Tikka (DayZ)

    Favorite route?

    My route is follow the train till nwaf, on my way I loot the garages and the trainstation and then nwaf vybor and stay nwaf...
  3. Tikka (DayZ)

    Mosin-Nagant more rare to find now?

    If you find sks and m4 maybe you are searching the wrong places. Try not airfields but piano house or the big red/orange houses..
  4. Tikka (DayZ)

    5 single shot headshots in a single play session!

    nice vid, fun fact is that i make headshots from the same spot on atc with 300 m?
  5. Tikka (DayZ)

    44 Tips For 0.44

    you could add that above 100m or so no blood from players when hit or dustclouds when a shot is missed is rendered, making sniping a mess...
  6. Tikka (DayZ)

    Zombies can hit while sprinting?

    You can run zigzag so they will miss their jump-attack. Easiest way to kill them is to runn down a hill because when they do their jump they fall to death.
  7. Tikka (DayZ)

    mosin bullet-travel-time

    i can tell you, the zombie was down way before you saw him disappear. since the latest patch rendering is a bit ****** up above 100m. you don't see where your bullets land, you see no blood when you hit someone, zombies far away just disappier after some seconds they died. (everything above 100m). here is the link to the bug-report: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=10980
  8. Tikka (DayZ)

    im a noob sniper...

    Not further than 100m... http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=10980 That's the link to the report
  9. Tikka (DayZ)

    im a noob sniper...

    Currently you don't see the impacts anymore since the update...
  10. Tikka (DayZ)

    Shoot hits not showing

    feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=10980 Thats the entry for it at the bugreport
  11. Tikka (DayZ)

    Shoot hits not showing

    Ok and why do I see a large smoke when I shoot a wall from 30 m but the same wall from 400 I don't see anything? If it is intentional, a spotter won't see anything more than I see... Tried with zombies too and on difference to before I just see them fall without the typical blood that shows a hit.. and when close there is blood as always
  12. Tikka (DayZ)

    Shoot hits not showing

    I think its a bug. Since the newest patch I can't see my hits further than 100 m. And I don't think its just a smaller dust-cloud now because when I shoot just in front of me it makes quite a big cloud. Have been sniping the last several weeks but now its very hard because I can't andjust a second shot when I don't know where the first went :( Edit: since the patch before the crosshair was centered correctly so no need to adjust the aim
  13. Tikka (DayZ)

    i cant see hits on opponents.

    i can confirm, that there is no sighn of impact further than 100 m with mosin and lrs. can't see hit on oponent, zombies or environment.... its simply gone since the update :(
  14. Tikka (DayZ)

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    don't know what it really means, but i can tell you i didn't hit shot is usually hit with my mosin plus i don't see impact-dust-clouds anymore. makes it impossible to adjust a second shot :( just tried above 500m, maybe there is dust at 300 m but i don't like it
  15. Tikka (DayZ)

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    just joined hc server and spawned with my regular charakter i didn't play for some months...