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Fantastic offers

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About Fantastic offers

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Fantastic offers

    Banned for no reason?

    Hello, I was just playing in one of my favorite servers us 434 vanilla and I got banned. I was not cheating. When I try to join it says I am admin banned for addmagazinecargo-5. What does this mean? Thanks!
  2. Fantastic offers

    What to upgrade?

    I should be able to keep my same power supply with the i5 and gtx 750 ti right?
  3. Fantastic offers

    What to upgrade?

    should i get like a 650 watt?
  4. Fantastic offers

    What to upgrade?

    Thanks for the advice
  5. Fantastic offers

    What to upgrade?

    Hello, right now I currently have an i3 4350 and gtx 750 ti. The game is fairly playable at low to medium settings. I was looking to get a bit more fps in towns (dropping to 12 fps sometimes isn't very fun). I was wondering if I should upgrade my graphics card or cpu to something like an i5 4570. I only have a 430 watt power supply, but i'm pretty sure I could have an i5 and gtx 750 ti on it. I know that the game is very unoptimized and many rigs do not get great fps in towns, I just wanted a boost in towns of hopefully 8+ fps. Thanks!