I played with two guys today, one of them was danish, the other one from austria. I was surprised who long I could play together with two totally foreign people, without getting killed. We got our way through electro and cherno, till we decided to get on the prison Island. As we got there we looted some stuff and then a forth guy appeared. He shot one of us and told him to raise up his hands - my fellow resisted and started attacking him. As this guy realized that we were three people (he didnt knew that in the first place apparently) he started to insult us. He said several things, sometimes in german, sometimes in english. (I am german, so I did understand everything) We had no guns, so we only used our axes and after a short time he had no ammo left. So it was basicly a pretty dirty fight. He called us pretty racist things like "niggas" or "jews" and got on with some stuff about our moms. Of course we killed him pretty fast. What makes this situation so memorable is just the point, that he got punished for all those words he used. Of course he's not going to change hisself, but at least justice was done. <3