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About TomKendal

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TomKendal

    Private and public ?

    Have played a fair amount of hours since I bought earlier this week with a friend and we have, after many a painful death, become semi-established/geared on public servers. I'm essentially loathe to risk that progression to bandits etc by playing alone when he's not available. Just wanted some confirmation as to whether the hive system is completely safe enough so that I could play on a private shard with a new spawn without accidentally wiping my public character? I'd be much more aggrieved losing my character in this manner than to legitimately dying in game. I realise that, by definition, a private shard should allow this and I just wanted to double check there's not a underlying bug that could cause my public character being wiped. Thanks in advance and apologies for the stupid question