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Everything posted by DR. IRISHMIKE

  1. I do think the the Private server experience offers something that Public servers miss out on, and that is a more regular player base. I greatly enjoy seeing when my Clans enemies or friendlies log in on our server. There are also always those randoms that you don't know at all or have only seen a few times, but by and large I enjoy the experience of having knowledge of who is who in most situations in game (especially in terms of what the clans are all about). Some players dont care if everydays gaming experience in DayZ offers completely different players or that Publics tend to draw younger players than Privates do. The Private servers though do tend to have a lot more "regulars" in terms of both Players and Clans. Thus, I see base building on Privates, and eventually Mods being much greater part of those private server communities. Publics too have a real problem not only with hacking, but also with the ruined loot economy. It's just way too easy to server hop and gear up do to the multiple connections to the hive. On Privates that only have one connection to the hive, it's more "DayZ the way it was made to be played" (at least in my mind it is). Since about 75% of our population that plays on our server does it as a group of solos or established clans, I'm guessing we'll have up near 20 bases at some point on the server once the mods come in and you can do more with them (hiding them or placing them in hard to reach areas, etc)
  2. My Clan hasnt used tents for a long, long time. We did find a few locations that were reasonable hiding spots for them, but we never trusted them enough to really use them as our primary storage. We kept a few in well hidden location along the coast, something to help us as bambies when we first spawn in, and in a few other spots way up North, but not in the forest or by debug like everyone likes to hide them up there. For a well maintained base, Barrels are a must. They can be hidden so many ways that I could see my clan using them the same way we do now in key locations throughout the map. I spoke earlier about the door Cache in the pictures, and how Hicks spoke to it as underground access to hide items. I think this type of base will blow the doors off of everything we've been doing hiding barrels among the rocks, trees, and bushes. In fact, With difficult to breach bunker doors (as shown in the Base building video and pics) I would guess you could not only place items underground inside those big strong doors, but you could also camo the doors up under netting, bushes, or other difficult to see areas (rock formations, etc). Going back to your original thoughts though about just sticking with barrels, I think most solo players or small groups will go that way with it. For medium to large Clans, Bases will happed. For example, on our DayZ FactionZ server, we have a Multi Clan focus. It's anything and everything about playing as a Clan. It's my guess that all or most of the Clans will have some sort of a base that they will use for defense and storage. I think it will add alot to the game, especially the PVP that will follow.
  3. I think thats all pretty much spot on. I seriously doubt they plan on having Bases despawn after only a few days or even a week. I also could see them making them so they degrade after a few weeks if left alone, but I'd also guess they can be "renewed" like how we use sewing kits to fix damaged clothing. Given the amount of time Hicks suggested in the video that it will take to make a base like the examples he provided, I doubt we have to worry about bases decaying too fast.
  4. Building materials for walls, lookout towers, etc would make more sense if they had the life of barrels, tents, carry cases, etc. If they dont put it that way in game, I expect the mod servers to put it in that way. Also, I do think they should be able to be damaged by explosives, gun shots, etc which would of course require fixing the damage to get it back to Pristine.
  5. Right. I agree. Mods however will let the admins determine the 'pristine' life of the walls, huts, materials, etc used in base building. It will be completely subject to how the admins set that up in the mods so that they have a reasonable usage period. Only a day or two wouldnt make it worth it at all. I agree with you. In fact, it would make more sense if the building materials had the same life as barrels, carrycases, tents, etc in my opinion.
  6. Mods well likely be the answer to longer standing base times. I don't have a problem with damage to walls in combat, especially if explosives and rocket launchers are in game, but they (walls, etc) should be replacable. I also don't mind time to pass and wear and tear to require fixing base walls. It would be fun to defend bases and attempt to capture bases.
  7. Luc, I think the mods will help with this. There are places on the map that I'm guessing for whatever reason bases will not be allowed to be placed at until mods come in. I used an example of a base up on top of Tripple yellow. Can you imagine the security a clan could have with a base up there? Only one way up via a ladder, and the large platforms on the sides of Triple Yellow would allow for Heli pads to go up there, and if the walls were double stacked like the original picture on this thread snipers wouldnt be nearly the threat they normally are. Players could fly in or climb the ladder, but that in itself makes a base highly defendable, especially if you consider having strategic places to defend the ladder behind the walls. You could place tents up there, Heli Barrels there, or use the indoor areas of Triple Yellow if you didn't like the outside for whatever reason. Car Tents could easily fit as well to both block views and store loot. There are other new industrial buildings, churches or barns too that could offer defendable bases. I do think that the bease concept in DayZ will be more viable if clans are using them, rather than single players, but I guess we will have to see exactly what comes out before that can really be looked at.
  8. I think that is more of a problem on certain types of servers. The type of servers my Clan typically plays on that's almost never the case. For example, since it's a Multi Clan server, there are over 25 different groups, plus a host of solo players that are constantly raiding bases even in this type in game of no 'real' bases. Ultimately no base will be impossible to loot, but through smart base planning a clan or solo player can make it much easier to defend based on where you place it and how you design it. ps - I also love tacos.

    DayZ UN=FactionZ= Multi Clan Server (HARDCORE PVP)

    The server will be based in the central USA, likely Dallas on Fragnet. It will have whatever the largest population offered is, and have only one connection to the hive in order to prevent ghosting in PVP and server hoppers (ruins the games loot ecomomy). Eventually when the mods come out, we will have an extensive game scenrios (missions) for solo players and clans to enjoy. Some of the mods will be missions where groups need to fight through large groups of zombies to achieve their goal, etc. We hope to have you check it out. If nothing else, you can go to the Server FB page and introduce yourself and your clan playstyle, members, etc and recruit players there or schedule pvp events with other clans. If you don't have a clan, its a great place to speak live with clans that are recruiting on the FB page or in ts. Our ts server can hold up to 300 players, so if you visit during peak hours there should be some clans in there to meet. We will even create a clan ts room for you on request. Good luck and have a great time on your DayZ adventures!

    Mini Game Scenarios rather than just Open World PVP

    DJ, It's not a server advertisement, it's a post asking players that like having DayZ game scenarios (mini events) to share their ideas for great events and or mods down the road. Thanks though.

    Mini Game Scenarios rather than just Open World PVP

    FunkDoc, Simply outstanding ideas. We have a few clan members that are talking about the same thing. We are very excited about the mods phase as we have some extremely talented folks in our community, and most of us are +30 and have the finances we'll need to do a great job. The missions / events / scenarios really do add alot to the regular everyday open world pvp. The scripting idea will take some work, but no doubt has the potential to blow the doors off of already outstanding DayZ gameplay. I think one of my favorite notions in your post is the idea of having large zombie hords as a part of a particular mission. Could you imagine having to go find a relic on Prison Island and fight your way through a couple hundred zombies to achieve success? Or to go to the castle at the other large island for a buried weapons cache! Or perhaps to go to Tisy and gear up for the radiation and fight your way in and out to rescue a Scientist that has a potential cure to the virus? Fun stuff! Some Ideas I had too were with all the new storage holds, crashed ships, etc on the map, treasure hunts for weapons cache's and other goodies might also be popular. Our server has a Multi Clan focus. Solo players are welcome, but we focus on everything clan, so when we design our events / missions we will likely have more that take a group to accomplish rather than the solo player. We also want the ingredient of pvp being brought into the mission from players / clans outside your mission as one more difficulty on the quest. With over 25 small clans participating on our DayZ =FactionZ= community I think the game has the potential to be amazing! Great ideas on your post, and please do share more as you think of things. As I mentioned earlier, with all the new storage, ships, buildings, etc the potential for pvp and treasure quest missions are endless. =Fish=Irish

    Dayz standalone server
