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Everything posted by Yoshi667

  1. Ah yes the age old question from old school paper and pencil D&D. I remember those days fondly.
  2. Edit: Problem solved, ban removed. A misunderstanding from an admin.
  3. Yoshi667

    Delete this thread please.

    Edit: Problem solved, ban removed, a misunderstanding from an admin.
  4. Yoshi667

    Delete this thread please.

    Edit: Problem solved, ban removed, a misunderstanding from an admin.
  5. Yoshi667

    How do saving tents and cars work?

    They broke them. You can have more than one tent per character with different gear. There is no counter you just have to count how many items are in the tent. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Tent
  6. Yoshi667

    'new' bandit skin is terribad..

    It's terribad but it's working. I haven't shot a hero yet whereas pre patch I would of just unloaded on anyone I saw. I may be naive and get killed by a hero because he actually wanted to be a bandit but I'm not worried.
  7. Yoshi667

    AS50 or M16 CCO SD?

    Put some wood into your tent, save it, then see if the wood is there on a restart. If it isn't then try it again, if it is, your tent is most likely safe to use.
  8. Yoshi667

    Two Dayz accounts on one IP / 2 PC's?

    Look here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32775-multiple-dayz-accounts-useful-for-shared-computers/ and here:
  9. Yoshi667

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Damn I came here hoping to find out something I didn't already know :(
  10. Yoshi667

    Fly CSS: Chernarus Shuttle Service

    Dear god medical choppers would be amazing lol. Even medics in the offroads would be awesome. Great to see stuff like this happening in the game. I only wish my group was big enough to be able to secure and keep a chopper.
  11. Yoshi667

    thought cherno was a pvp hotspot?

    I can't go into Cherno, the massive amount of artifacting literally takes up my screen. Makes anything but running near impossible lol.
  12. Yoshi667

    Elektro Solo Sniped a Clan

    I don't know if it's just me but I didn't see any kills. I did see alot of water splashes though...
  13. I was on a server where the entire of cherno was blocked off with barbed wire. You may think I am overexaggerating but I'm not. Every entrance was blocked, including the holes under the walls. I guess that's what people do when they lock the server for a couple of days.
  14. Yoshi667

    Script Error #55

    I wasn't in a vehicle. My mate told me he had killed some bandits and found NVGs and Range Finder. I logged in and he trades them to me (I'm overwatch usually). Everyone on the server gets kicked with a script #55. I log in to find I don't have them. He logs in to find he doesn't have them. Mad and sad.
  15. Yoshi667

    Thoughts On Green Mountain?

    Fucking Green Mountain. That place still haunts me.
  16. Yoshi667

    Who wants a heli?

    I'd trade you a bullet for it... Either that or friendship, after all I need someone to man the gunner seat. Doubtful that you are an ANZ or NZ player though.
  17. Luckiest was logging in to Balota ATC, hear voices over direct comms, hear them saying they are going to let a dude go then they shoot him. I had found an AKM with 1 mag before logging the night before (fresh spawn). Opened up on them and managed to kill two of them as I didn't want to be the next guy they robbed. After a long shootout with zeds the third guy climbs the ladder. I have 3 AKM bullets. He makes the mistake of trying to shoot through concrete. I wait for him to reload and kill him, I find he has everything I need plus a GPS. My unluckiest: Mate killed two people with a whinny, finds that they had a rangefinder and NVG (never had a set even though I have looted 10 HCS). I log on to grab them off him as I am usually lookout for the group. He trades them to me. A minute later everyone on the server gets kicked with a Battleye script #55. I log back in to find that I don't have them. He logs back in to find he doesn't have them either. GGWP Battleye, you fail to stop hackers yet you can fuck over legitimate players quite well.
  18. Yoshi667

    Learn a lesson, Bandits.

    Nah it was north of Elektro, not east. Upon reading further threads in the bandit camp I have come to the realisation that most of the OPs are noobs. Anybody who sees a few tents together and thinks "Oh a bandit camp, I'd better loot it and blow it up, then go tell everyone about my cool story" is a mad bad. It's like it's some achievement to destroy a defenseless camp and then brag about it lol.
  19. Yoshi667

    What gear do you rock?

    L85 AWS AS50 (no ammo :( ) M4A1 CCO Coyote Pack Guille Have never found NVGs, Rangefinder, or GPS (other than killing bandits for them).
  20. Yoshi667

    Learn a lesson, Bandits.

    I hate this kind of stuff. My group is far from bandits, in fact, we kill bandits to protect other people from bandits when they are trying to kill them (does that make us bandits?). One of our camps is set up just outside of Elektro, nothing special, just some Enfields and AKs and packs we looted from the firestations etc. but someone always puts a marker on the map calling it a bandit camp. We aren't even there anymore, we aren't on the hill shooting noobs with our AS50s, we headed north and we left that camp there for other survivors to gear up quickly. I just don't see why whenever someone sees a few tents placed together they automatically think it's a bandit camp.
  21. Yoshi667

    A Final Solution to the Bandit Problem

    It wont stop the kill on sight issues which effectively makes your suggestion obsolete. I'm not going to walk up to a player and talk to him to find out where the bandits are. What if HE is the bandit? What if it's a survivor that sees my gear and wants it? There's so many holes in this suggestion that it just doesn't seem a viable solution.
  22. Yoshi667

    Pending Update: Build

    They are elitist pricks bro. The sort of people that make this forum a cesspool of hostility and belligerence. They either: a) Have no friends or b)Haven't had to respawn without their bandit buddies watching their gear. c) Have all day everyday to play the game. While their primary argument is about people trying to ruin the way other people (read: they) want to play, they cannot see that they themselves are doing the exact same thing. They push their ideas and beliefs down other peoples throats and start a flame war when someone goes against them or their almighty god Rocket. Note: I am not bad mouthing Rocket or his Dev team, this is aimed at the people that see Rocket and his team as some sort of god. They have no say in being put on this pedestal so they are not the ones at fault. I too am against this respawn option, while I understand the load it puts onto the server, without an option to join into the game with friends respawn is needed. I also believe by removing this you are creating a gateway for issues and unresolvable bugs. How are we supposed to respawn if we are stuck? Some places I have been stuck are: 1) The rocks north of Berezhino. 2) Loading into a house with no doors or windows. 3) Loading into the game underneath the floor of a building. 4) Stuck under a tree. Some of these times I have been able to disconnect and reconnect to fix it but, this is soon to be logged and possibly incur a ban in the future. Other times I have moved around enough to find the sweet spot to get unstuck, and sometimes there is no option but to press Respawn and start fresh. In closing the removal of the respawn feature will create more issues than it will solve. As stated, implementing this without the option of joining or spawning with friends plus the lack of unstuck feature will, in the worst case, either push people away from the game or, have a character and game they cannot play unless they are either: Reset in database (which from what I understand you guys don't like touching) or Killed by a friend/bandit (lucky if it takes less than half an hour and you are actually reachable/shootable).
  23. Yoshi667

    Hunting and raw meat suggestions (realistic)

    Rocket said in his interview with that game magazine or whatever it was that he would eventually like to make things like pumpkin patches and orchids lootable to give food. The raw meat aspect could be done and I always thought I should be able to eat the meat raw but only if I was starving.
  24. Yoshi667

    Lost Everything

    Date/Time: 11/07/2012 5.20pm AEST What happened: I logged into my character that I had last night to find I was a fresh spawn. Where you were: I was on top of the hill East of Elektro when I logged out last night. What you were doing: Finished updating to latest Arma II beta through SixUpdater and was Logging into the game to play on my character. *Current installed version: 1.7.2/94700 *Server(s) you were on: One of the NZ servers last night when I logged out (about 2.30am AEST). Logged into ANZ8 hosted by Games.On.Net today. *Your system specs: i7 930, 12Gb RAM, GTX295, Win7. *Timeline of events before/after error: Last night I randomly bugged out after dying while crawling backwards under a pine tree up a hill. Fair enough it's just a bug. Mate was watching my corpse and I started running back to it. Red chain and my corpse dissapears, he says he is going to bed and for me to kill him and take his gear (we didn't have much AK74 and M4A1 we found in the firestation). I kill him, loot his body taking his Alice Pack guns, ammo, medical supplies etc and run up the hill. I run over the top of the hill to the other side, prone and decide to call it a night. When I go to log in today I am a fresh spawn on the coast.
  25. Yoshi667

    New Player :D

    You can change your name under player profile. This is done by creating a new profile with a new name. As for things you should know: Don't trust anyone you don't know IRL. Don't shoot unless you have to. Get whatever you need out of the big cities then leave ASAP. Stary Sobor and the NW airfield might sound like a good idea for loot, but they are deathtraps, be prepared to lose your gear in those places. Green mountain is also a deathtrap...so many zeds. Berezhino is usually a quiet place to loot necessities. Don't run along roads or out in the open if you can help it (play like you are always in a snipers scope). Play like anything and everything you do in the game will kill you e.g: Two people walking through a door is a bad idea. Vaulting over a wire fence is a bad idea. Crawling over a rock is a bad idea. Running and crawling down or up stairs is a bad idea. That's all I have for now. You will pick it up as you go along though but there's just some things to start you off with. Deadly serious about the last one, play like you are made of glass, if it seems like it's a bad idea it probably is and the game will bug out and kill you because of it.