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Everything posted by Siab

  1. Can any one help me, I am unable to join a server. I have tried all the fixes and even resorted to re installing windows 7 on my PC. Even with a fresh install of windows 7 and nothing else installed on my hard drive, battleye is still coming up with not responding when i attempt to log on to a server. Can some one help me as im all out of ideas. with my old install deleted the 3 files from My docs, Updated battleye file from http://www.battleye.com/download.html reset my Modem, C6300BD Netgear telstra cable turned anti virus off turned firewall off Check for latest drivers Contacted ISP, all they did was recommend a premium service of tech support and they reset my modem. turned off SLI Pc Specs, Win 7 990x 3 x gtx580 SSD
  2. Siab

    battleye not responding

    Thanks for the reply, But i think its more than that, i have just realized that it is not just this game its all my games ether it be a steam game or an origin game that connects to a server, something in my modem or my ISP is blocking the connection. Im ready to pull my hair out thanks for your help.