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About tarou

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  1. 1) It would be nice to add irradiated or contaminated zone where you have to use special gear to go through (ex: gas mask) and where you can find rare loot, ex: factory in Vibor surround by a toxic fog because of a contaminated military truck but where you can find rare stuff. 2) You should put more loot location outside cities like the crashed chopper, ex: a crashed plane surround by pilot zombies in the middle of a field or a destroyed BMP/cars/truck in several forest guard by zombies and where we can find loot. 3) more military base or medical field! 4) Spawn random fire camp in a forest/field with tent(=loot) guard by zombies. 5) You can recreate the US military base south KRASNOSTAV (the one in Arma 2 campaign) where you can find more US gear and maybe new vehicules (humvee with M240 would be great) but the US zombies must be more difficult to kill (can't be kill with just 1 winchester shot) because of their military gear (vest, helm). 6) Wild boars more agressive? (trying to attack the player like zombies) This is some ideas to fill the map so people will tend to explore the map instead of going for the same locations (Cherno, Elektro, Berezino, NW airfield, Stary Sobor).
  2. tarou

    Can't Bandage after Patch...

    Since the last patch you have to open your inventory (default key "G"?), right clic on the select object to show the action (eat, drink, bandage, fill water, etc...)
  3. tarou

    Low FPS

    Got the same problem since last update ( When I join a first server, FPS are ok (40-50 FPS) but when I leave and join an other my FPS drop to 5-10 FPS (I died stupidly because of that), the first server was a US server (can't remember the number) with ~49/50 people and +400 zombies, the second server was an other US with the same amount of player and zombies. When I restart Arma and reconnect to the second server my FPS are ok Damn, my character who survived for 16h+ and killed 1400 zombies died stupidly ...
  4. tarou

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Good, finally unable to fill water from sea (more realistic) and force new players to search for water / soda but Water source inland may become new spots for bandits.
  5. tarou

    [v1.5.6] Zombies / Loot Spawn Issues

    Same here trying Norway 1, EU 1, and others servers only backpack, no loot, very few zombie... finally in FR1: normal loot and decent number of zombie although yesterday FR1 had no loot / zeds...
  6. tarou

    Dying of Thirst or Hunger

    That would be more convenient if we can fill our bottle near pool / lake as on the coast, and it shall be more realistic to be unable to fill your bottle at sea (drink sea water to survive? wtf...) and players have to search for water/soda instead of staying near the coast.
  7. tarou

    Dying of Thirst or Hunger

    this you have to swim to fill your water flask at pool / lake (but you can drop some stuff by swiming)
  8. tarou

    Torch attach to gun

    ok so it s a gun with flash not a craft, thx for the info, but it would be nice to be able to add gear to our gun (scope, silencer, etc...)
  9. tarou

    Torch attach to gun

    maybe, I can't remember the gun because I died just after I found it
  10. Same here, trying to change from US1 to FR and on FR server lost everything :x
  11. A while ago I found a rifle (a winchester but can't remember exactly) with torch attach to it on the corpse of another player, but short time after I died too... Can we attach torch (or others accessories) to our gun?