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About SomiXD

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. SomiXD

    Big crap 1.71.

    So what u want from me all i say is that the update is big crap or not . All you say littly kiddy ? you`re self one or what . I have liitle probs with the english language iam from germany is that a problem for you or what ? its crap when i cant see my body or not ? its crap when i spawn with nothing and i do nothing but zeds see me just in time i spawn and must run for my live or not ? its crap when player can see my 9000 m away and i am a point of a map for all player in my group blufor or not ? also what you want when i say this update is crap i spent over 600 hours in ths game and you have no respeckt obverse other players you are F.........ing idiots. you are little noob players and cant say any constructive words you´re noobs. all you can is flame .
  2. SomiXD

    Amazing game takes dive. Player worries.

    Nope this is false ! when a guy with gun see you with out anything but with flashlight then my friend u are a death guy . sorry but this is the reality !!!!!
  3. WTF is that ? This is the bigest crap update i have ever see !!!!! 1. Iam unvisible.cant see my own body in 3 person view ! 2.I can see all player on the map the bigest crap ? 3.Zeds see me soo far away it cannot be i must crouch WTF! 4.I spawn with holycrap Flashlight etc no wappon wtf i die 5 times in 20 min ? 5.the complet update is for me holy crap sorry i cant play this ! so i say nice try but no way !!! soory for bad english