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Thurman Merman

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Everything posted by Thurman Merman

  1. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    I don't disagree with what you have said. But as BCBAsher said, it's just so annoying to see the silent squad communicating telepathically (even if it rarely works - as they're likely all screaming into TS at the same time. :D ). Like you, I swore off maps (but too late, because by then, I had stared at them for so long); and as I usually prefer to play alone, obviously TS can only be used against me. And, for full disclosure, when I play with friends, we often use TS, but if they get too chatty, I turn it off. Frankly, my real beef may be with the squad against solo that I see all the time. It's just coincidence that they're usually on TS. It's the odds that offend me. I like the underdog.
  2. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    I feel your frustration. I started playing this game in .33. Around that time, duping was rampant - so you'd see squads with identical kits. After getting killed by a few - with no commentary or talk other than, "YOU GOT REKT MOTHERFUCKER!#!@" over my dead body, I went on a year long team-killing spree. While my bloodlust has largely abated, I still feel the urge to kill when I see teams running around - especially with no one talking (I get it, the VOIP aspires to adequacy, but the TS is just such a "cheat" [not saying you can't use it, just the way I feel]). When I spot teams, I almost always approach them to try and determine if they're murderous punks or just some good guys out for a run. I've met a few good folks that way. Also found a few targets worth murdering.
  3. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update 0.61.136182

    I just met a guy up at Tisy. His VOIP was appropriate volume, and he didn't complain about mine. Also, he told me where the radio tower was. Went and checked it out - it seems to spawn optics, M4 attachments, and pants. Apparently, it used to float (I didn't play .60 much), but it looks good now. Of course, then some ass shot him (apparently a pretty good shot though - as he was upstairs, but near a window, and shooter was somewhere in the trees, I'm guessing - he only fired once). Never found the jerk. Did discover that you can still loot farm quonsets.
  4. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update 0.61.136067

    Trapped a wolf in a house. Took me 9 shots with a damaged ice axe to put him down. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=800265230 Don't know why the pic quality is so bad - looked fine in game.
  5. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Played a bit this morning after the update. Lamps are worthless. Tried to light my way at night with one. Couldn't see in 1st person or third or if I put it on the ground and ran away from it. MP5s have sights again! Yay! A few Zs punched me through walls. I guess that's the new way to lock them up: lock yourself in a room wit them, and wait until they hulk you through the wall. Had a few issues with the hands up thing, still. Sound volume needs some tweaking/balancing - still an odd balance between my won breath/footsteps and ambient noises. Otherwise pretty smooth, nice build.
  6. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    That may have been my problem I don't recall ever playing as a female character before, but my episodes with the heavy breathing were the ones in which I joined as a chick.
  7. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    While I would agree with this, barrels and tires still melt into the ground when you throw them, and, OMG, the sound of my own breathing is deafening.
  8. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    About 10 days ago, I was driving a 4x4 - pristine tires, worn battery and plug - it was pulling so badly to one side (think it was left), that I had to abandon it. I've driven other 4x4s that didn't have that problem (nor did the sedan I swapped it out for). Ever seen that?
  9. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    That would be fine if they would also fix your inability to interact with objects. One of the private hives on which I play has diabled the crosshair/reticule. Can't tell you how many times I have spent a minute or two trying to pick something up off the top of a wardrobe because I can't get my invisible crosshair/reticule in the right spot.
  10. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Just logged onto r/DayZUnderground. Nighttime. Very dark. I normally play with gamma pretty low bc I'm trying to take Tatanko level photos, but this was just debilitating. So, I slid it all the way up. It was a real disability: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726909216
  11. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Hey there, city boy, deer would be much more likely to stand up and chop at you with their front hooves. ;-) But I totally agree with your idea. Let's hope Chernarus is dangerous for some reason other than stairs.
  12. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I can't decide if my guy is pleased by his stealth or offended by the blackface.
  13. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Yes, with keyboard.
  14. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    So I spent the morning getting the sedan that spawns in Svet in working order. Wrecked it before I got out of town. Oh well, I went and got the Offroad near Black Lake working. Totalled it before I got to Svet. Man they're jicky - one minute you're in the middle of the road, next you're spinning out in the trees. It's not like I'm new to driving - I'll put my hours behind the wheel in DayZ up with anyone - they're just horrible touchy then horrendously unresponsive. And don't even think of driving within 50m of another vehicle.
  15. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I've gotten hypothermia sailing on the Caribbean on a windy, rainy, summer day! And you're right abotu the warm fluids - hot shower and sitting in the sun barely helped, but hot tea was a life saver - BI, bring on the tea kettles!!
  16. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I guess I could have missed i on the way by. Seems odd, as it was smoking, but odder things have happened.
  17. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Is it possible that a US chopper crash just spawned with no loot? I ran by a spawn point with NO chopper. Less than 10 minutes later, I ran back he same way - bingo - chopper crash! I run up to the smoking wreck and . . . nada. Not a single bit of loot. No pants. No guns. No attachments. No grenades. Nothing. This was on EXP SC02 at 046 094 just a few minutes ago. That s a pretty empty server. Sure, someone could have come by in that time frame and picked up (without missing any) every single item, worthwhile or not. But that doesn't seem likely. Also, it still doesn't seem possible to combine single V3S wheels into doubles; is that correct?
  18. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    I don't know why I run around assembling perfect M4 setups. I just wind up leaving them in barrels in the middle of the road - I left 2 tonight, both with good condition ACOGs and one with a full coupled STANAG and one with a full 40 RD Mag (I'm a Blaze, Winchester, Mosin, or even SKS man myself - I like the thought that each and every shot has to count). I guess it just gives me something to do since barrels still get caught in trees (and there's no point building a camp on EXP).
  19. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    LOL! Don't worry Bahadir, I have the same problem when attaching sights to the MP5. Put a battery in, turn it on, doesn't work.
  20. Thurman Merman

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    Ive been spending my days on SC01 and whatever the US 1PP EXP server is (i) finding a barrel, (ii) putting it in Kabanino at Stoarge Shed (B) up by where the Offroader spawns in, and (iii) filling it with tire repair kits, tire irons, batteries and spark plugs. So, if you're in that area on either of those servers, it usually doesn't take long to find the tires and get the vehicle running - unless someone beat you to it.
  21. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Well, the temperature issue hasn't been fixed on SC01. Been lying in the rain, drenched from my earlier detour thru a pond, for about 10 minutes. Haven't cooled off once.
  22. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    And a persistence wipe. So long 6 barrel camp. :-(
  23. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    That's part of the fun! Also, all EXP servers down. Update coming?
  24. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    Someone please tell me vehicles are not persistant. Otherwise both my sedan and my offroader got stolen last night. I never see more than 5-7 players on SC01. :sadbanana:
  25. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.60 Discussion

    I didn't notice any pulling. But every once in a while, the same pressure of tap on A or D that would normally be a small turn resulted in a severe correction. It was raining heavily. Also, I really don't like the gear shifting thing - not sure what that mechanic is supposed to add.