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Thurman Merman

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Everything posted by Thurman Merman

  1. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    There are gonna be a lot of jokers walking around murdering cars/car parts.
  2. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    It's much easier than you think. I find I'm much less likely to be surprised on a full server. Especially when Z's were in. You could always tell when people were around - shots fired, Z's running, etc. No Zs and low pop means you run around a corner and . . . SURPRISE . . .find a guy holding an M4.
  3. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I almost feel bad robbing people's camps now. Every camp I rob is so much more pathetic than mine. Today I robbed a camp, just took the barrel, and stuffed all the loot into his tent. I'm back to 15 barrels - think fing has several as well. Most stuffed with things worth stealing (after all, hard to test your camps level of "hard to find"-ness if it's not worth robbing). However, since tents are like homing beacons, I wish they'd let us paint barrels camo - maybe 4 cans of paint (2 green/2 black) to cover one. Otherwise, there's not much point now in base building (unless you want to throw it up on some low pop server - for those of us who like private (although the latest patches have done their best to kill that)) - a few barrels here, a spare there.
  4. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    They haven't reset once. I've had the same truck hidden in the woods since the day of the hotfix. They had a hack/glitch a week or so ago wherein all the barrels despawned. I noticed some weird effects after that: odd loot splosions, failure of items to clean up (there has been the same loot cycle by product in the tent E of the Myshinko quonset for days (or at least was the last time I was there)), etc. So some problems with CLE. I'll not say it's not working as the Devs intended, but I will say it's boring. There are a few towns I cycle through regularly; and it's just the same old same old. When I travel to new towns, it's not much better. Seems like this patch just results in everyone drifting toward the 3 quonsets. I fondly recall the days of (zombies and) multiple high end destinations (the military bases, airfields, Zelno, Severo, and helicrashes). Why go to a police station? firestation? Novo? The coast?
  5. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    The private server I play on (UN#2) had all the barrels reset - not overall persistence, trucks were unaffected. Don't know if it's a hack or glicth - admins have been in touch with Eugen.
  6. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    One of my buddies just got reset. Could this be why?
  7. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

  8. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Well, if it's .58 you want, the biggest game breaker now is the dysfunction of the CLE (or maybe even just the ability to farm the Quonsets). Everyone I met this morning had an M4. I was rocking only my Mosin with PU. :D After I died, I had a hicap, AK101, gorka, etc. In about 1 hour. Couldn't find a backpack to save my life though.
  9. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    So, I basically spend all my time trying to find the best places to hide barrels/camps. But, since most people are geared to the gills, you have to load your barrels with really premium loot to know for sure whether they've been found. So, this morning, I'm looting Myshinko tents, when I hear someone calling to me. Well, I'm busted, he saw me first. So, I just head out in the open. It's a team of 4. They're friendly. I find out that they know everyone else on the server except for fing and I. Even though I wasn't looking for any PvP, all the tension went out of the server after that. If everyone on the server is a buddy, why no just run around like a spaz? Which is what I did for the next half hour - got wicked geared - enough to fill a barrel or 2! Then someone murders me. Now balance is restored. Yeah, a bit off topic, but for anyone who is upset at those with the KoS mentality, that danger is one of the best things about this game.
  10. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    But the admins claim they didn't reset it; and trucks are where they were before. I don't know about tents (as mine were in a barrel), but have checked with a few friends who play on that sever, and their barrels are gone as well. I know the admins have sent a message to Eugen about it.
  11. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    So at some point over the weekend, on the private server where I spend most of my time, apparently many barrels despawned - including all 17 of mine (to be fair, hadn't checked on 4 in a week, but the other 13 were in place on Friday). Then, this morning, I fell off a cliff taking my smersh combo, hunters, and M4 to my grave. On the upside, this morning, there are odd lootsplosions everywhere - walked into one shed and found 4 batteries, 3 plugs, 2 barrels, and a ton of little stuff.
  12. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Bite your tongue!! Off the top of my head, I have: 3 trucks 8 batteries 7 plugs 18 barrels 2 tents 2 Hunters 2 SPOSNS Smersh Combo 2 Plate Combos 5 HiCaps 5 Boots+knives (+ 3 extra knives) M4 + 10 or more mags of 30+ and an ACOG 3 AUGs AKM + 3 30rd mags and a Kashtan AK101 + 2 30rd mags AK74 + 6 30rd mags 3 Blaze + 2 snap loaders and 100+ loose rounds Winchester 5 or 6 hunting scopes SKS + 2 clips and 40+ loose rounds and PU 3 UMPs + 8 clips and 100+ loose rounds all with RDS or M68 MP5 + 3 30rd mags and RDS AKS 74U 2 FNX + 6 mags with silencers, flashlights and MRD 2 CR75 + 8 mags 1911 + 2 mags 5 pistol silencers 2 nato silencers 2 east silencers barrels worth of canned goods and med supplies barrels worth of tools/farming supplies barrels worth of gorka tops and M65s Everything worn or better - no hoboing here!! It's not the having, it's the getting! I ran around this morning and found 2 new barrels hidden in the woods. Gonna go back and get them if I have time this weekend. It's not really enjoyable anymore, I agree. I just feel compelled to hoard. :D
  13. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I don't see a problem with the pace of development; rather, the last few patches, with the tweaking of the CLE and the lack of zombies, have really killed long-term playability, IMO. I need a reason to care if my guy lives. I need a reason to go into a town. I need a reason to hunt or farm. Right now, you can just run around helicrash routes, with the occasional detour to tent cities or small towns with lots of sheds, and be better geared than was often possible in earlier patches. I can't remember using a bandage in .58. We really need Zs back, soon! Heck, I can't even really find folks to PvP half the time. I guess they're all running through the woods looking for camps - I don't know - but, the last few patches have altered player approach/style in a way that seem very negative to me. I'm sure they can work it out, but I hope they do it before too much of the base gets bored and leaves.
  14. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Barrels?!? I keep finding camps and stealing ONLY their barrels. Those things are pretty easy to hide, have a high capacity, and can be used for crafting. Rather have barrels than trucks or tents.
  15. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Even without choppers it's dicey. Saw a truck driving out into the DMZ (lol), didn't chase him on foot as I would have been roadkill once he turned around.
  16. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I spend my time looking for camps and testing campsites. Fing and I have one very large camp that has gone unmolested since we set it up on day 2 of .58 (on a high pop private hive). Have found 6 other camps, but none spectacular. Dismayed to read on reddit that people can set up camps in debug - couldn't the devs just make it so that debug is unenterable - what's the point?
  17. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Item cleanup (and thus, I suspect spawning) is getting janky on the private server I frequent (UN #2). There's been a coat laying in the woods since Thursday. Gonna drop some stuff when I stop playing today and see if it's there tomorrow.
  18. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yes, private (UN #2). I almost never play public. Which has been a real pain lately, as loot respawning is a bit janky on private. Looted towns seem to stay empty forever.
  19. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Anyone know how many barrels are on a given server? I've got 14, but cannot for the life of me find a 15th. I've spent days just wandering random forests looking for camps and have looked in virtually every single town on the map. ETA: I did find a camp with a single barrel, but didn't want to take their only one.
  20. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Yep, I had a Gorka in my M65. It got damp.
  21. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Ahem! I have the time. I'm done working by 11 most days. :D Would love ot be able to create ghillie netting to cover my tents.
  22. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I've had a protector case hanging around under a tree for over 24 hours.
  23. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Why not have the best of both worlds: http://www.laruetactical.com/larue-tactical-obr-optimized-battle-rifle-complete-762-rifle-20-barrel Also, Devs, pretty please?
  24. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Does it seem like high end loot is spawning at higher rates after the update (or was it just I was one of those poor saps who was playing on a private server that didn't spawn much at all)?
  25. Thurman Merman

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Our last tent spot lasted around 10 days on a server that's full every night. But, most of those folks are probably not tent searching. If you go looking for tents on a crowded server, you will find them. They're either really larger or glow like they're neon. Right now, they are a very, very poor substitute for green and yellow barrels.