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Everything posted by knucklesMad@1.7.1

  1. knucklesMad@1.7.1

    Really annoying problem

    Ok so i was raiding an industrial area looking for car parts and then i found in a little shed, TWO car wheels, i was very excited so i started to make space in my inventory when all of a sudden. waiting for response 5...10...15...20...25...30...35 the server crashed and restarted, i thought ok no problem ill get back in when it comes up to grab those wheels so i can finally get a car running. but when i get back into the server the items i dropped to make space for the wheels were gone and so were both the wheels. :(
  2. knucklesMad@1.7.1

    Really annoying problem

    i heard thats something to do with wearing camo. wierd
  3. knucklesMad@1.7.1

    Really annoying problem

    i've heard about that, apparently if the server restarts again they come back http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Known_Bugs 11th one
  4. knucklesMad@1.7.1

    WTF Is... : DayZ ? (Hyper WTF Edition feat. rocket)

    I really think this should become a thing, like everytime a patch is coming or maybe just every so often if rocket could make like a 5-10 minute video about his reasoning behing patches fixes and additions and tell us about the direction the mod is going, he has stated that he gets alot of inspiration from us and i would like to also have him communicate back what he's thinking. This is mostly because of how he explained the change to starting equipment i.e no gun on start. i just wish i had of heard his full motives rather than: no gun for you lololol. in the patch notes
  5. ok i love this mod and understand its alpha and experiments will occur, but 1.7.0 - added huge fps lag 1.7.1 - fixed lag But trolled us by stealing starting supplies(who doesnt have beans and water at home and even a knife i mean come on) - Trolled by deleting food spawns(biggest troll move) - fixed earlier food troll, replaced buy adding trolltastic melee weapons with gravitiy hammer attack and dropping them crashes the server - i just skipped this heard bad stuff about it - Fixed the melee weps derping But trolling us right now with zombie spidey senses and wallhacks - might fix zombie wallhacks and spidey senses but is gonna delete our tents for the lulz. there is a way to fix bugs without trolling everyone rocket... but still well played.
  6. I literally respawned in Novy sobor just next to stary sobor. fresh life just bandage painkillers and light. this is insane wtf
  7. knucklesMad@1.7.1

    FPS Issues (Come Post Your Specs)

    Cpu: amd fx 6100 3.6Ghz 6-core Gpu: Crossfired dual ati radeon hd 5750's 1GB mem each Ram: 2xGskill Ripjaw 4gb 1600Mhz ddr3 Pre-patch 70Fps post-patch 3-4 some servers are fine some are as above 4fps
  8. or at least give us a can o beans and a water bottle, the bottle could even be empty maybe we took a drink earlier but dieing so easilly from malnutrition is disheartening
  9. first off this patch did make the game atleast 2.9x harder because of buffs to zombies and the fact that you dont start with anything and i kinda get that and why, this is a game/mod meant to appeal to a hardcore survivalist audience by achieving high levels of realism and tense-ness that being said it is far too punishing currently for newer players. points i like are, 1: no gun at start, it makes sense not everyone has a gun in their home so why should everyone start with one it also makes stealth much more neccesary 2: no morphine, pretty much the same as 1 points i do not like, 1: why dont we start with beans, the gun thing yeah i dont have one and no one i know in aus has a gun but we sure as hell have plenty of f""kin beans so why cant we have some on spawn. 2:if we are going for realism pretty much eveyone has access to a sharp knife so why not spawn with that also Matches i've got plenty just household supplies. 3: if you really want realism think of the zombies they are rotting corpses of human beings who have been brought back to life by some ungodly virus, they arent going to be able to run like usain bolt make them slower, they cant swim because they dont have air in their lungs for buoyancy and they really shouldnt have good eyesight so please nerf zombies a little. TL;DR spawn with no gun-good no morphine-good no knife-bad no beans-bad zombies that are more agile and perceptive than humans-bad.