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About dylanu

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Hello, I'm Justin the founder of Decay Gaming we were running back in 2014/early 2015 before GAME-SPY closure. We use to be called Survive the Hive back in the days but we've decided now to be called UK11 Decay with a domain name of dayzdecay.com. We hope to become like many other full-population vanilla servers out there for example, Europa, US434 and many other great servers. We're running on a 3DP:ON server with side chat enabled for our start once we get our community going we will disable side. How to install DayZ Mod and join servers (instructions provided by vinyljunkiez - Owner of Europa this is leached from reddit dayz.) Download Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA from Steam. Start them both once. Right click DayZ Mod in Steam and choose'Delete local content...' Make sure you are'opted out of all betas'then press'Install'to install the latest version of DayZ Mod from Steam. Launch Arma 2: DayZ Mod in Steam. Press Multiplayer and then sort and choose our server in direct connect using the ip's below or filter UK11. Our website is : dayzdecay(.com) Our Server information : Discord https://discord.gg/tP52Qeq
  2. Howdy, Lets get this started! Our website. dayzdecay.com 2 Helicopters 65 Vehicles 2 Planes Night/Day Style GMT+2 We offer side-channel until we grow (again) then disable on further date. Server IP : Discord https://discord.gg/D8Zm5MJ We are a pure vanilla server and we hope to provide a good experience for players.
  3. DayZPurge Mod is based on DayZ Mod by Dean 'rocket' Hall and It aims to be more unforgiving, balanced and harder, while including new features such as items, skins, actions, weapons, loot, map additions and more. DayZPurge uses the Reality Hive by thevisad - originaly Bliss Hive by ayan4m1. The goal of this fork i to provide an experience that's very close to the original DayZ but also providing players with much more complex and harder expirience. Repairing vehicles, eating, drinking, chooping wood or setting up fireplaces has more to it, then a scroll and click in the action menu. DayZPurge will also provide more weapons and skins while maintaining the balance between the survival and military aspects of the original DayZMod. Our Main Systems. Search able objects inside houses/buildings Replaced all original vanilla dayzmod weapons with new and balanced weapons New backpacks Tons of enterable buildings New Heli dynamics New HELI-CRASH system and a ton more we offer 3rd and 1st person servers ddosed protected and lag free . Why did we close and re-open? We closed due to a number of issues mainly the development of the mod and the number of people who use to play it so we closed it untill the mod was stable enough to bring backup. How do you install dayzpurge? STEP 1, You need WINRAR/WINZIP STEP 2, Download the file of google docs : drive.google.com/file/d/0B_LIEWhOVIwQdmNDcG9zWExhY00/view?usp=sharing STEP 3, Open the .RAR and move the @dayzpurge Folder out and into your ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead Folder STEP 4, Launch the ARMA2OA via steam once at the main menu go to expansions click on @dayzpurge then restart and connnect to our IP Address remotely via the multiplayer you can find out servers IP Address on our forums and you are in. Read more: http://dayzperge.boards.net [NOTE] We are hopefully going to be listed on dayzlauncher AGAIN very soon its just a matter of time untill so. SERVER LIST: Teamspeak 3 IP : EU - 1 : - 3rd person -3CET night/day cycle(RAIN DISABLED IN EVENINGS) - We plan to have more then 1 server but we need players on EU-1 1st Website: http://dayzperge.boards.net
  4. Hello guys recently I have been seeing less and less vanilla servers that are ran by good admins in fact i can only name 2 servers that have decent admins and a community. I have around 200-150$ to spend on dayz vanilla servers and I have past coding/setting servers up experience I would need to build a community from players to admins I have a working PHP admin system i created a long time ago also a teamspeak 3 server ready PM for more details
  5. dylanu


    Howdy I have been away from DAYZ STANDALONE for a number of months and I went back to a hardcore mod for arma 2 dayz I have played the .55 patch since it was released and this is the first time on standalone im scared of losing my gear I personally PVP NORTH and i love the loot like this and I want it to be like this forever but I think there is some issues with items spawning in places where they should not be (I dont know if this is a bug) but i found a mosin in a fire station and a number of vests at bus stops so i personally feel you should ignore them reddit a***holes that dont like to go north and look for there gear and listen to us hardcore players that are willing to spend hours of playing time to play the game how its meant to be played
  6. Okay guys so we have closed DAYZPURGE due to population issues to the mod and a few other issues ive noticed there are currently no other RP community or mod out there if you played dayzpurge you would know what the mod is like and what features it includes we are going to make a strawpoll to decide if we should use the LATEST VANILLA DAYZ MOD for it or our mod for it - http://strawpoll.me/3954620 We currently have 2 servers but only the EU UP the eu is running the latest version of dayz right now but once we get votes we will decide to edit DAYZPURGE(our mod) to become a new RP Mod or edit server files and a few things for the vanilla dayz mod to make it RP! check out our forums here http://dayzperge.boards.net/
  7. Hello guys this is the DayZPurge Development team today we have launched our mod to bring back the dayz roots with more added, we have re-coded DayZ Mod for performance and fun, we have added weapons,sounds,vehicles, interiors, new loot-tables but its not as easy as it sounds, you need to head around the map to find gear and not camp the coast How does DayZPurge differ from any-other mods? We have added new weapons that suit the environment plus new sounds We added New models for interiors meaning you can enter/exit some of the buildings New Attachment systems New recoil and bullet damages New GUI Icons New dynamic vehicle respawns Dynamic Weather(including wind) 20-15 new skins that suit the mod and dosent look stupid New anti-hack system(the mod is not un-hackable but we can catch them) Dynamic Heli crash sites Redone the hit damages for some bugged sniper rifles When we say redone the hit damages i mean have you ever hit someone in the head and they run away? DayZPurge has fixed that issue We have fixed most bugs(including the fire station ladder glitch) Why should you join DayZPurge mod? We have an active development team that know what they are doing and are suitable for making such mod and giving players the needs they want, we are taking suggestions but we are not adding any sort of base building nor adding any guns that dont suit the environment How to join DayZPurge go to our forums and you can download the mod and see on how to install it : http://dayzperge.boards.net/ or DayZ Launcher! - Video preview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twDRoB-Elyk