Hello, i have a problem with my severlist. Since my internet connection got upgraded, my serverlist has been shrunk to about 200 servers from several thousands befor. Now when i click "change server" i see 10 servers, after 10 seconds about 50 servers and after 1 min i can see about 200 servers. But thats about it, those 200 servers are all i can see and access. Right now my list has 7 private Hive servers and 1 1st person server. My filter settings are set on 200 ping and my personal ping on most EU servers is way below that. If my steam friends are on a server which is not in my list they don't show up in the "friends" tab. My only way of joining them is to use the remote function with which i can access every server i know the ip address of. Like i said, these problems occurd the first time after my internet connection was upgraded to 16.000 DSL by Telecom Germany on the 3 October 2014. Befor that my serverlist was fine. I already reinstalled DayZ but it didn't fix the problem. Any ideas how to fix this? MfG Malacai